Does Wow support new M1 macs?

Yes we still have to see how the new SOC design will perform regarding gpu performance in games like WoW. But the most anticipated thing is for Blizzard to provide native support! That will give the extra performance in the game and it’s going to be huge! These 2-3 apps that have support on M1 chip already show a great boost in performance… for reference fcpx is working 6 times faster that it was on M1. Finger crossed what Blizzard will say and when to support it…


That’s awesome and Blizzard continues to show dedication to supporting the Mac platform.

Will Classic also be supported?

Love you guy :heart_eyes::rofl:

Well done! Thanks for this Blizzard.

That’s awesome. Does this mean that the client and wow classic also support the new SoC natively or is it only shadowlands?

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It says patch 9.0.2, so i assume it does not work for classic (yet).

Yea, you are probably right.

This is awesome! Would love to hear from anyone that has one what settings/FPS is achieved with one of the M1 MacBooks

Blizzard you rock!!! That’s wonderful news!!!

Update: On Macbook Air M1 with ultra settings at 2048x1280 res, antialiasing off and vertical sync on it plays between 40-50 fps. Very impressive results from the Air and a few hours before it gets 9.0.2 with native support. Video is here:

On the american blizzard forum some guy post that with new mac mini and monitor at 1440p, achieve between 40 and 50 fps on game settings 5

It runs great on the MacBook Air M1, apart from freezing. The longest I have been able to play now is about 25 minutes before the display freezes. The game continues behind as you can still cast and hear it casting etc.

Playing at 2560x1600 turned off sun shafts, SSAO and put shadows to good. View distance etc to 10. Looks great and runs at 60fps no problem. Hardly even heats the MacBook AIr up, even though it has no fans.

I have also played Diablo 3 which uses Rosetta to run, it makes the Mac pretty warm after an hour of play but no crashes or issues, 50-60fps so its not a heat issue or anything like that.

I am using the Mac mini M1 with 8 GB of memory and the game runs consistently with 60 frames per second on full HD and all graphics maxed out at 10.

The only downside is that there are currently issues with the interface on the ARM64 client which locks the pet journal and causes issues with seeing group members and raid members in add-ons like Decursive and Healbot.

As per this post by WoW Developer Rommax Blizzard is already working on fixing the issue with the ARM client.

Now I am wondering, if there is a chance to boot the regular client to run World of Warcraft under Rosetta2 as long as the arm64 client is buggy?

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I just found out that it is actually possible to run the Release x64 version on an M1 Mac. One just need to right click (alt/option + click) on the WoW Application in the finder, click on “Info” and and set a checkmark at “Open using Rosetta” and one can play the game using the Intel version without the interface bugs.

Edit 2020-12-08: All issues are resolved. The client now works as expected. Thanks!

Any plans to update the Classic client to support M1 Macs?

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