Suddenly while i combat skills/spells stop working

Sometimes (happened several times now) when i am infight my character stops responding to any of my currently equipped spells/skills. Instead a red circly icon appears on the right above my skill panel with a C in it. Pressing it doesn’t change anything but also doesn’t do nothing. Good to know that i can still move with the mouse and open my bag, inventory or settings. After a while then (didn’t figure out the cause so far) i can use my spells/skills as usual again. This is especially annyoing while doing a elder portal while the mobs are still attacking and able to lower my health. I am playing on the PC with mouse and keyboard connected.

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Dear @ Kimonex

This is a already well known issue.

For one Part there are problems, where players might expiriance some form of loose of control over theyr Hero.
On the other hand, are there a lot of players that are using channeling skills, while trying to use other skills.

While using a channeling skill, you are not (or mostly not) able to use any other skill, but to move.
The mentioned C is the standard button to interrupt and cancel this skills.

You can change it under : Controller → and than scroll down