Um der unsäglichen Diskussion mal zum Ende zu helfen:
Da es nur wenige „offizielle“, über die Medien verbreitete Statements gibt - hier ein Kommentar eines Blizzard GameMasters bzgl. der Skins:
Hello, I sent an email to Blizzard support asking if we’ll have a chance to purchase these skins again and this is the response:
" I can see here that you’ve queried regarding the All Stars skins for Overwatch from 2018. These skins for Tracer and Genji were exclusive for that year, and there are presently no plans to bring these back for future seasons. This is why they are not available this year.
Ansonsten: Offizielle Blizzard / OW-League News damals VORHER:
Additionally, we have new details on the limited-time legendary All-Star skins for Tracer and Genji (see below).
Both skins will be available for a limited time from August 17–27.
Quelle1: Overwatch Esports
limited time = begrenzte Zeit
legacy = legendär
War alles VORHER…
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