Dazu entfernst du die Zeile self:Hook("ChatEdit_OnTextChanged", true)
wieder (oder kommentierst sie vorne mit --
Dann fügst du in die Funktion core:ChatEdit_OnShow( editbox )
den Befehl editbox:SetMultiLine(true)
Die Funktion core:ChatEdit_OnShow( editbox )
muss dann statt
function core:ChatEdit_OnShow( editbox ) -- someone is about to type!
editbox:SetMaxLetters( 0 ); -- We're just removing the limit again here.
editbox:SetMaxBytes( 0 ); -- Extra prudency, in case some rogue addon, or
-- even the Blizzard UI, messes with it.
if editbox.SetVisibleTextByteLimit then -- 7.x compat
editbox:SetVisibleTextByteLimit( 0 ) --
end --
wie folgt lauten
function core:ChatEdit_OnShow( editbox ) -- someone is about to type!
editbox:SetMaxLetters( 0 ); -- We're just removing the limit again here.
editbox:SetMaxBytes( 0 ); -- Extra prudency, in case some rogue addon, or
-- even the Blizzard UI, messes with it.
if editbox.SetVisibleTextByteLimit then -- 7.x compat
editbox:SetVisibleTextByteLimit( 0 ) --
end --