Diablo Immortal end game cost to expensive for my family

Dear Fans of Diablo

I have been looking forward to playing Immortals ever since they announced it on PC, As I am the age of the X gen I struggle to see the dam screen on my phone and if you are a big guy your hands are not small like most of these kids I cant touch the screen and see what I am doing :smile: so when I heard they are making it PC playable I was chuffed as old Larry. I am a Dad of 4 Daughters, Wife and 2 female animals so having a game I can play with my kids and not be outnumbered is cool, UNTIL !! the money cap came into play, for 2 of my girls and myself to upgrade there gems and get enough mats for semi decent set up, not even end game stuff around level 40 I had to spend £400 let me say that AGAIN £400 FOUR HUNDRED POUND, I don’t mind the fact I have to play £50 a month on WOW sub but after watching some of these streamers they suggested thousands to upgrade my gear and that was for one, SO before we get any further into the game I have had to put a stop on it, because if you don’t log in everyday for the 30 days you lose your item you have bought did you know that ! it don’t wait for you to log in again it is just lost, so Blizz steals your money when you are not there, I’m a cop so i have to work sometimes shifts, I don’t wanna have to lose out when I am at work its crazy,

I hope you see this and understand your clients are working class not mugs, so disappointed in that. Im very sad I hope DIABLO 4 IS NOT THE SAME !!


Hello Guys,
well spoken guys. This kind of game contents takes away the fun of playing the game. It is designed to cleave the players into players with much money and players with less money. In my opinion Diablo - Immortal is at the moment extremely build around game of hazard to fuel the money expense. I want to thank Mr. Asmongold and especially Mr. Gregg2G from YouTube that they provided me with the knowledge to get to this conclusion at front and not after I got fished by the game system.

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Hello, I fully agree about the game. When i started playing diablo "immorals¨ :slight_smile: :grin: i was thinking what nice it feelt both on android phone and on PC. Slightly i heard words from the gaming community about how bad it was in p2w mechanics, i took those words with a grain of salt. But now some days later when more words have been spoken from even more players, it opend up my eyes a bit more and now i understands that paying just for empowered battlepass and boon of plenty , will not get you far. It was easy earnd money for blizz,. Now after what have been showed from the best of free players in immortal, and what they have concluded as a free player , how hard it is , if not impossible to get any good ratings and sutch in the game, im heading for another game instead. Lets not hope blizz adds the system that is in immortal to Diablo 4. That would be a realy sad day, im loving diablo games and have been playing them since Diablo 1 hitted the shelves. Best regards to you fair gamers.

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