Овервотч за БП вместо 1000 монет списалось 2000

On 02/08/2023 at approximately 12:05 Bishkek time (Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan) a battle pass worth 1000 credits was purchased. They charged me 2000 credits. I ask you to return the loans and compensation for the spent nerves and unpleasant moments associated with your mistakes.

08.02.2023 в примерно в 12:05 по Бишкекском времени (г. Бишкек Кыргызстан) был куплен боевой пропуск стоимостью 1000 кредитов. с меня списали 2000 кредитов. Прошу вернуть кредиты и компенсацию за потраченные нервы и неприятные моменты связанные с вашими ошибками.

This forum is for community based troubleshooting of technical issues involving our legacy titles such as Diablo II: 2000. Account issues cannot be addressed via the forums.

For any account purchase issues in Overwatch you would need to submit a ticket. (click your name at the top of the screen, then choose, support and contact support.)

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