Can't add or remove friends from "favorites" list in bnet app

So somehow i added 2 people to my favorites list by accident but can’t remove them at all. I mainly play WoW and there’s just no way to remove them from my favorites list while playing WoW. Nothing happens when i click ‘remove’. When i remove them via app they do get removed until i start the game, when they appear as favorites again. If i remove them via bnet app and restart app then they reappear again…

It seems like you’re experiencing a technical issue with the app and your favorites list in World of Warcraft (WoW). Here are some suggestions from my end

1- Exit the app and navigate to the folder on your computer. Look for a folder named “Cache” and delete its contents. Restart the app and check if the issue persists.

2- In the app, go to the WoW game tab, click on the options menu (cogwheel icon), and select “Scan and Repair.” This process will check for any corrupted or missing game files and attempt to repair them.

3- In the app, go to the options menu (cogwheel icon), select “Settings,” navigate to the “Game Settings” tab, and click on “Reset In-Game Options.” This will reset any custom settings you have made within the app and may help resolve the issue.

4- Make sure both the app and World of Warcraft are up to date. Sometimes, outdated software can cause compatibility issues. Update the app and game to their latest versions if available.

5- If the issue persists after trying the above steps, it’s best to reach out to Blizzard Support for further assistance. They will have access to the latest information and can provide specific troubleshooting steps or address any known issues related to the favorites list in WoW.



You are replying to a problem posted on 2021-04-26… more than 2 years ago.
Always check the date before providing a reply to a post on the forum.

Cheers !