Charity event - pink mercy

I know Blizzard has heard this before, but please please please bring back the breast cancer charity event and pink mercy. This skin came out in 2018 and so many players did not get a chance to buy it. This cause is still so relevant and I know that demand for pink mercy is incredibly high, if they were to do the charity event again they could raise an insane amount of money for a good cause and make a good faith gesture towards new and old players who have been asking for this skin to come back for years.

I know there are technical issues and maybe legal issues but I really think it would be worth looking into if this can be figured out. Not only because I personally want pink mercy but because a large portion of the community does and would be even happier if we also got to support a breast cancer charity.

I am fairly new to Overwatch and played a little in Overwatch 1 and now I’ve played a lot in Overwatch 2. I really love this game and the cosmetics and have spent a fair amount of money already. I main mercy and really want this skin, and I’m not the only one.

Please please please Blizzard, bring back the pink mercy charity event. I can basically guarantee it would be a huge hit and do a lot for the fans as well as be good press for Blizzard and Overwatch. Please consider it!

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