COD WZ Crash to Desktop /CPU 100% - No Error

Even with below CPU limits I still go the crash… I then saw someone recommend to downloaded older nVidia Drivers - January one or around there.
No crash yet!!!

Old attempt:
After trying all the other fixes, graphics settings, changing process Priority to Normal I still got the crash.

My issue was high cpu usage/spikes which seemed to overheat cpu… 90+ degrees then boom program closes.

Plan was to limit CPU consumption so as to decrease heat.
Went to bios and Decreased speed of cpu from 3.3 to 3 ghz
This then decreased the heat when cpu was being abused by COD.

Did not notice any major FPS decreases…

Hope this helps! Share if it did!

For me the solution is 100% efective. Just close Blizzard launcher after click Begin button in the launcher to start the game. Works fine. No more crashes.