I cant believe blizzard closed my post ! silence customers

silence the customers…really ??

you closed my post and you closed my ticket…is that because you read something you didnt want to read…well rest assured i will keep posting it, im not having you lot hide you appalling customer relations

I dont have my original post, but this is the ticket showing their contempt of the player base.

The quest as you know is bugged, i managed to finally get the 8 kills to feed it, them mounted the slime and managed to get to 100%, but on doing so it dropped me through the world and killed me, not the end of the world…however its taken 3420 stygia off me and i cant get to any corpse…please replace lost loot…18.12pm
1 hour ago
This ticket has been marked as Answered.
1 hour ago
Howdy Patrick!

My name is Tech Specialist Game Master Thomas M. Thanks for reaching out to us on this loss stygia. I know losing this large chunk is a set back and hope it can be quickly refarmed.

At this time, it is the stance of the CS team that we do not restore Sygia for any reason. I am sorry you ran in to a bug that cause the loss, but this means we are unable to recover it for you.

Thanks for giving us a chance to work with you.
37 minutes ago
your kidding right ?..you have made a quest thats bugged to shit (all over the forums) and if you log on my character you will see the loot location for my dead body that is unreachable ? and the stance is f*** you…go farm some more ???

Just LOL at you lot really
10 minutes ago
Hey there,

I wish we could help out with stygia lost to bugs, however due to the nature of that system we cannot restore stygia no matter how it is lost >.< Hopefully though you do have good luck getting more stygia in the future, and you don’t run into any bugs causing losses like that later on.
10 minutes ago
This ticket has been marked as Answered.
moments ago

Tbh I have already thought about going back to private server because it’s just a much better experience than Blizzard for various reasons: Technical, features and support.

I didn’t sign up to pay money for a bugfest, bad mechanics that weren’t like this originally, and zero support.
Also, those packs of mobs that only fade in visually when you’ve already almost ran into them, at 20 ms latency 1GB line and low pop ie ideal circumstances… on pserver you could always see all mobs clearly from the distance, among many quality of life things. Oh and turn off xp gain when you wanted to!

Oh and even BGs were much better there, and LFG wasn’t spammed with this boost-bs, destroying all normal dungeons.

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Private? you mean pirate? I have a good reason for saying that, as i got hijacked and still do some times to play on private servers and have my play “duped”. I play a lot and farm a lot, so you can see why. so yeah, thats pretty much all i can say about private servers, oh and you mustn’t like people either as Wow servers are public and subs etc. Like society is and should be for good reason?. So bascially what your saying, is blizzard games are a very good product but i don’t want to pay. Either because i’m poor and not happy i have to pay anything, when hey, even food isn’t free, costs water and energy. Really does nark me off this as you can tell. If you like some thing, you support it even in bad times, i would guess you’d be divorced if married like so many others, cos things went bad. Well all know blizzard has been suffering from the black market community for years, stealing data, stealing accounts, stealing play. Sorry, did i say stealing? this stealing is greed. nothing more and nothing less in my opinion. Its not stealing to feed some one, or stealing of thirst. People like this person, though this is aimed at all of these folks, not this individual are helping put the nail in a very good, and listening gaming company and why microsoft have bought them, probably because of security issues. Also, conglomorates like microsoft and apple aren’t the problem, if you can think, its the shareholders that demands a massive income when thinks always have thier limits. Its not blizzards fault, when they got big they were always going to get taken over or go stock market, its just progression, if you leave it int he hands of just a few you can more and some times always get big booted, big headed idiots, like BK. Who take power trippin’ too far.

Also, the people on private servers tend to be disconnected from reality, thats why they are on them, they’re misathanthropes or like offensive material and things like that from the internet, games in the public eye cannot be like this OR should be like this for good reason.

I get offended less these days, but back in the day, it was all “toxic Masculinity” as it is now called, and rubbish from over inflated male egos. Yes we were having fun some times, but half the time the nerds (of which i am one these days) were chasing toys and accolades. If they’d been grown up and adults like they thoguht they were, they’d have been more inclusive of people, like society is and tries to be.

And by the way, most of the bugs are there because people are hacking the coding etc and trying old bugs that haven’t been patched too cos they were tried out by some non-rpg dweeb searching for money and bug bounties probably and yes some weren’t patched because, hey, as i like to think, most people aren’t uselss people trying to break some thing .
They old devs and teams of Kaplan etc Steve and the rest were decent. The obivious ones were a bit toxic masculinity but hey, they’re american? what you expect, they’re fed it in their media every say to be a strong big man, and jokingly, i hope, the orcs were that, the big man thing. The bearded one and kotick, as far as i can tell always were on the edge of toxic masculinity but the rest of the team i think weren’t Metzen, no idea what happened to him. As for my thoughts on Kaplan, he prolly just went along with the dips, as people like him tend too because, he’s a true nerd, liked gaming, prolly likes rpg and liked the escapism. Big personalities do over power decent people, because as you probably know, they know that, give a big personality/ego enough rope and he’ll **** ***self. As in “keep digging” they’re digging a bigger hole for them selves. Just a take on that SEnario of the old team and that jeff is prolly decent.

Also, a point that, microsoft works very like blizzard - activision, so it’ll probably, be a very good move, or at least in part, as they get most of the users to do the R&Development and generally just try and implement what they want, within reason, and secuirty and law. So you big conglomo / corporation is just trying to provide the user/customer with what they want. If they want illegal things like those we know / can imagine, then they cannot do this. as obviously its against the ideals of law, civility, good taste and morals. Hell, crypto-currency is just being used by the black market to trade in data and all the legal companies are a victim of it. Aslo don’t give the **** about it being very moral, as it isn’t as if, the millionaires of it weren’t rich any way, or middle class/society, or black market. It just gave them a way to make more money. I mean when did you last see some one with a security cheque pay 800 or now 1200 what ever for a top of the market gfx and then the computer and then the security to keep your wallet form being stolen of crypto. Pirate servers and crypto are both a con, always will be. If you don’t trust your fellow man, you don’t trust your self, because hey, you’re human too, oh and i know all about mistrust.

So, to clarify, if you like the company and the games, which i do, support it by reporting suspect cheaters/black market and bugs and paying for the content that they charge you for or that you want. The only way i think, its too money grabbing is how much they charge the EU and other countries compared to US. Its entirely reprehensible.

Oh and i bet the private servers, or some of them don’t wait for things to come off of copyright aye?, so. Also, if no one paid for it nothing would get made of high quality so much, because some times people need incentive. Nearly any company these days thats legal and worth a lot will and does get targetted by the black market / crypto people for data, so again, where do you place your greed? in the stock market that is answerable to shareholder how ever good or bad people they are or in people that murder and kill to keep the fear and control. If we’re going to change the world for the better, the end point probably won’t always be capitalism but its the best way, than murderous anarchy. The people in power are answerable to us, the people in a general anarchy are answerable to no one. If people are corrupt to an evil extent to get into power, thats our failing and clearly theirs too., which is why there will always be a black market as a precation but at the moment, its all being stolen and that is making a lot of really great people, feel powerless. and empty and they are the ones that should be protected, if you’re moral and honourable. Pirate / crypto is just greed at the moment and this is why i side with the legal stricken company we have now, as for its apparent power, its an underdog and now bought (cheaply) by a" conglomo" and i too have caused this, with my moaning and annoyance about things they can’t do much about until they get round to it.

That’ my peneth worth. If this post stays. And yes, i have repeated a lot of “ideals” because they are things that bring peace, not war, or hatred. Oh and i have been the victim of often constant and brutal psychological attacks in games and hounding, and stealing, so i think i’m am allowed to write this.

just doing this only for warcraft logs…idk