I want wowlogs 12345678910

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This forum is for technical support on the Classic Games, such as Diablo II (2000), and on the Battle.Net Desktop App.

For Warcraft Logs, see this post.

Finally, for all issues with World or Warcraft (Classic and Retail), please use the WoW forums here:

Best of luck in your games !

testtestesttest this is a test

I am here for warcraftlogs

Wanting is not getting…
… and necro’ing a 20-month old topic ain’t the way to go.

This forum is for technical support on the Classic Games, such as Diablo II (2000) and the games in the Blizzard Arcade Collection.

Warcraft Logs is a third party website… and is unrelated to the purpose of this forum.
For info on Warcraft Logs, see : https://www.warcraftlogs.com