Pls guys can you get EVERYONE informed with the RULES pls

Guys I have a Gold Portrait and no GOLD weapon ok. 5 Months ago I started helping out in my games with Moving the Payload. I started sharing in each game simple instructions i.e ’
For the payload, Attacker needs one person on point(PAYLOAD - attacking!), 3 heroes again to make it move 3x speed FORWARD
Contest to make it stop (both parties on point! If defenders keeps attakers away the payload will move BACKWARDS! Lets go!’

For jsut pasting THAT in every game I get so much ABUSE. A month ago I started pasting it in GENERAL chat also because I mean EVERYONE should KNOW that you Certainy HAVE TO STEP FOOT ON POINT to ATTACK and also to CONTEST omg. For sharing That my account subsequently got SILENCED and TWICE suspended all in the past MONTH. Can you pls help me!

I have asked support in 14 tickets the past month to send an EMAIl and stop my ACC from being suspended, all tickets CLOSED as RESOLVED, Still no EMAIL, I have been forced to STILL share the rules and by doing so have to endure ALL the abuse and ACC suspensions!! Not fair peeps PLS help me!


This forum is not for appeals, you would need to contact Customer Support again, however, bear in mind if you have already had the action upheld and verified then your account is unlikely to have the suspension removed.