Unable to Install Battle Net Launcher

Hello, I’d like some help with an issue installing the Battle Net Desktop App for Windows.
So, some context vvvvv
While playing MW, I was notified to restart and update my game due to a playlist update, so I quit to desktop to let Battle Net do its thing. While sitting, waiting, I noticed BattleNet not going on with the update, saying its waiting on another update. Which is a common issue I see alot with others, its happened before with me also but it normally goes away after a while. However this time it didn’t.
So I ended up deciding to do a simple reinstall of BattleNet. I did a clean uninstall manually, clearing out all BattleNet files in %appdata% and my c:\ProgramData, trust me, there wasn’t a trace of BattleNet left on my PC, with the only game being MW. After uninstalling and deleting all the affiliated files, I downloaded the BattleNet Setup app from Blizzard website and ran it as Administrator.
That’s where the issue arises, I’d immediately get the error saying
“We’re having problems getting the patch information. If you keep seeing this, we’ve probably broke something. Please bear with is while we fix it”.
So does that mean this is an issue with everyone? What can i do about this?