WARZONE: 2 PS4 players and a PC player enter a lobby...Crossplay voice chat issues

WARZONE Crossplay voice chat issues with two PS4 players and myself on a PC. They can’t hear eachother, but I hear both of them just fine. There’s a previous post (since closed), that describes a similar issue, but the other way round.

We’ve scoured the internet, but can’t seem to find a viable solution. In the lobby, they can barely, just barely hear each other, but as soon as you enter the match, with all the ambient sounds and clatter, they stand no hope of hearing one another and I constantly have to relay.

Discord is not a practical option for PS4 players, and apparently the Discord for Warzone is overrun with flagrant children.

TLDR; anyone have a viable solution to crossplay voice chat anomaly between PS4 and PC users?

No replies here - anyone have tips on where I could post this to get some sort of response? Appreciate it :pray:t2: