Collective appliement to the court?

Yeah I am agreed as well. This online game is a joke.

you can add me too… its a fraude

You can add me. Received a copy paste reply within 5 minutes. False promises and fraud.

Add me too. Server and now waiting queue … :rage:

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I’m in, tired of this !@#$

Yes please. I was thinking about the same. We have payed alot of money for this product and it is simply not working (and it is just a “remake”).

Not very happy and they should offer at least 15 Euro off / refund (from 40 Euro).

i gaved all my items to random players. i deleted game i want a full refund!

reinstalled path of exile

im so pissed with blizzrad at this point so that even if a game was good in the past , this actual staff incompetence made me change my mind totally.

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with their new queue system I have been 292 for 20 minutes. It’s not possible to play, especially since I don’t have a lot of time to enjoy. FED UP

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Yes, we paid money and we have right to play game instad of waiting in queue.

count me in, just uninstalled this trash alpha state game, due to losing all my runes and being stuck in a neverending queue

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count me in, UK. I can’t see money on my acc, not talking about intrest on it.

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I think Blizzards Lawyer to Developer ratio is 1:1. So I think their terms of service are leak proof. On the other hand, maybe TOS crash too, so there might be a way.

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40 euro+ for a game i love that i cant even play ever since day ive had problems my friends could play but i couldnt. Now me and my co-worker came home at the same time i start mine 2 min before him. He jumps in the que and comes straightly in while im stuck at the same number for 20 minutes? wtf is this trash

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I am sure we are able to make it. We are from all around the world. Lets push this *%&£$ to European Commission, council or whatever is highest authority to EU, people from USA deal with it, I inform ombudsman office or whoever is in charge. However long it takes, just set machine in motion.

We have to make them feel it. Money makes them feel it.


Add me, this is frustrating, game crashes randomly, instantly try to return to game and put in a fake queue .

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Add me! 1 month later the situation is actually worse! Blizzard actually became a scammers! They are BUNCH OF AMATEURS, they are the only one who’s surprised by the current situation! D2 Players behaviour is very well known from years! If you’re surprised then you’re amateur or idiot or scammer! Either way i want my money back! I didnt paid for that! This is actually damaging my nervs and i even pay for this harrasment! I feel scammed! I WANT MY MONEY BACK SCAMMERS!

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K, dont add me. I’ve got refunded after few tickets.
hf ppl! :slight_smile:

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I’ll sign a petition. These scum robbed me as I’m sure they did to alot of you.

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add me in too… ill sign also

me shame on you blizzard