D2R crashing on launch 22 july 22

What is going on? I saw a patching thing and ever since then the game crashes before I even see the character screen.

[pol]Jesli ktokolwiek ma taki problem jak moj, czyli: wszystkie sterowniki sprawdziles i antywirusy, wlaczasz D2R, czarny ekran i wyjscie do pulpitu to mam rozwiazanie. U mnie działa:
dla kart geforce trzeba zmienic zarzadzanie enrgia
panel sterowania nvidia->zarzadanie ustawieniami 3d->tryb zarzadzania energia->
->ustawic: preferuj maksymalna wydajnosc

[eng] If anyone has a problem like mine, that is: all drivers have been checked and anti-viruses, you turn on D2R, black screen and exit to the desktop then I have a solution. It works for me

for geforce cards you need to change energy management

nvidia control panel-> 3d settings management-> energy management mode->
→ set: prefer maximum performance

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Had the same issue. Your fix worked for me, thank you!
(GeForce 2080S on a Desktop PC)

mne to tiez robi ani hru spustit nemozem hned ma vyhodi alebo chvilku hram a zas ma vyhodi nech to opravia takto sa to hrat neda

vyskusam to bo ma stale vyhadzuje na pracovnu plochu dik