Thank you all for enlightening WE DO YOUR MONEY BACK
Same. But I had some problems with StarCraft also 2 nights ago, somehow my client was corrupted and doesn’t launch either… I couldn’t play anything. Since then, I’ve uninstalled all Blizzard games, the launcher itself, uninstalled and deleted anything else I’ve downloaded and installed a few days earlier just in case… I’ve deleted remnant folders out of C drive after uninstalling, then restarted PC…Still the same issue…
All right, with that new bluepost I will get myself a refund and be gone from Blizzard products forever. see ya
same problem and I did not played the beta
I have 8 gm ram tho
Sometimes mine just crashes then says report ID
There just was a patch pushed. Downloaded and installed. Game opens now but insta crashes with ID D0FEB81D-5EA4-4A6C-8B8D-40862E445393
Yeah, patch was released. Game is starting now, but it’s instantly crashes after launch genereting different IDs of error. Seems like Diablo 2 Refunded, not Resurrected
Patch wasn’t supposed to fix AVX issues, as shown in the Patch Note:
Already read this, thanks. But I was a guy who was beggining to believe.
Also rushed to my computer once I read a patch was live, also disappointed to find it didn’t correct that AVX issue… But at least Blizzard is now getting a detailed bug report to their own accord through the bug reporting tool, even though it might not be needed anymore…
Hearing the patch didn’t address the AVX wasn’t expecting anything however when launchin it appeared to open another screen however, it was an error message. 25333EF0-47CD-4CD1-B1A5-51B18A882586
Anyone got this different result this time round? vs Play → Launch → Play?
If I supposedly had problems with the AVX since when I hit play, I didn’t even skip a black screen, absolutely nothing, it just restarted the play button, but now with that update it manages to skip a black screen that lasts a couple of seconds, later I get an error and a little window opens with a code.
Was never AVX problem, most ppls play AVX games on there machines ok. but now we get a error message - its something.
At some point i think they just wanna to shoot there self`s in the foot… everything was fine in all the betas.
Well, it looks like they are working on the problem. They didn’t have to give us a D2R game at all you know.
и вот за это я заплатил 2к руб, чтобы 2 дня после релиза ожидать запуска сначала игра просто не запускалась а сейчас выдает ошибку, за**ись живем
Lol, after 2 hard working days Blizzard developers came up with this solution: E3728C8A-3229-4C29-B4BA-FF078AA40F04. Hmm. I’m happy now. Before game did not start at all, now I see this instead of game … What an achievement!!! Great job!!!
После установки обновления при запуске игры появляется чёрный экран и на этом всё…
В папке с игрой, в файле blz-log.txt появляется запись:
9/25 08:00:44.665 [Render/4] [<>:0]: NVSDK_NGX_D3D12_Init failed, error code: -1160773631
эта ошибка