Diablo 2R vs Diablo 3

I never played D2 before so coming from D3 the game is great and really well remastered. If anyone is still on the fence about getting this then rest assured the game is fun.


ya, the problem is after you will finish Hell and maybe do Ubers if want to do 1000 runs for the keys, then nothing to do in this game. here is no end-game like e.g. D3 Greater Rifts. At a momenet, even with medium gear, you will destroiy Hell difficulty and everyhting will become boring, cause will have nothing to push and no reasons to improve your build, you will anyway one shot everything.

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To me, personal opinion, but doing Grifts is exactly as repetitive as doing pit runs or Meph runs, or Baals. Both games just hit hard grind walls. The only difference is one gives you infinite ā€˜levelsā€™ and is very easy to get gear, and one eventually caps at 99 and is less of a loot waterfall. But also, both games are completely different and shouldnā€™t really be compared despite a shared name.


Imo the most interesting thing about D2R is not to do 1k Baal runs, but to try out different things, more builds, at some point preferrable offmeta builds to have something cool or unique. It is not like you run only one cookie cutter character and play him forever as a ā€œmainā€. This will probably end quite quickly, once you have him geared up and slaughter stuff with it.
Youā€™ll have to see it more like an account game, having different chars for different purposes and gear up all of them. Or go deep into economy. Or do HC (which is something you can sink a lot of time into). Or Pvp: Your choice.
The game doesnt need a dedicated endgame which you run with a single char over and over imo, because it offers enough different options to play, but you have to become a bit active yourself to discover them.
If you do only a single S-Tier char, ony public p8 baal runs full of bots and hackers, I can understand that this will become boring very quickly. But then you use only 1% of the potential of this game. If thats your play, you can as well do those ā€œfantasticā€ D3 endgame instead


Ignore the troll

glad you like the game and if you need a boost or items give me a shout

like I said, doing Baal runs or other in D2R become a very easy task when you already have medium gear, medium, not BIS. Grifts provide a challenge, you need to push your build to the limits, you need to obtain BIS items, to be able to push the leaderboards AND you will still have challenge because you will not hit grift 150, you always have a reason to play and push your limits in D3 Grifts. when, In D2 runs is always same boring easy walking in the park taskā€¦

if you would join my baalrun i would probably dm a new name to all other 6 players. people who think bruns are boring are slow to clean throne, have bad items, are unattentive, miss understanding what their role is in the run and generally just slow things down and make things chaotic.

the reason you think bruns are boring and easy is because you just stand around and let all the other people do the work.

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I donā€™t play in party, because this game has no personal loot.
I join split MF games when available, doing even Baal run alone on 4-6 players, and have absoultely no problem to easy kill everything in my way, ofcourse take a bit more time than on p1, but is easy.

kill dia in 8P and be back for wave 3-4 and do it 50 times in a row consistently.

then come back here and we talk about how baalruns are boring and easy.

what you are doing is lesser difficulty then what singlerplayer people do with 8p difficulty it makes no sense. its like saying 100 meter sprint is an easy sport but then stroll down the 100 meter while eating icecream.

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d3 shouldnt even been called d3 cause i dont think anyone who worked on d1 and 2 worked on d3. its a soulless husk made by strangers

according to your logic D2R should not be called D2-R because the ones who developped D2 did not worked for D2R.

Donā€™t feed the trolls. - YouTube

so, when somebody has another opinion than you is a troll?

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