HC death by game crash

Just a few minuts ago i was playing my sorc questing abit in act 1 hell, only been in the game 5 or 10 mins and while fighting mobs the game freezes and crashes. when i logged in again she is now dead.
Are you kidding me? hours wasted gearing her up, and now lost due to game error.
Do you even care?

Same here by 3

Same goes for loading time… go to WP and diebefore loading is over, that killed my previous sorc :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

SC is bad enough at the moment, I cannot fathom risking HC until Blizzard fixes the server issues.

same just died with full tal set T_T

You guys are masochists to play HC with this server :smiley:

Yiiiihaaaaw. Give it to me!

Well, maybe a little bit. But HC is the only way to go… :wink:
My solution for now: Play a pretty safe Summoner

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world need that kind of guy ! And i m here ! Haha idk i like playing HC :slight_smile:

You can look back to this time as the ultra hardcore :smile:

One thing I noticed with my buddy was that a crash to desktop will disconnect you from the server instantly. If the game freezes you are less lucky though as your character still hangs out in the server. Best you can do is try to pull the power/ethernet plug if that happens.

My guess is that in the event of a freeze the actual connection is still maintained and as far as the server knows, you are still connected, just not sending any inputs.