this is really pathetic - shame
Is it just me or is the game getting more and more unstable as time passes by?
OMG! Sever die and rollback everyday, can’t believe that!
I kept restarting my router and stuff like that until i finally realized it was the servers not working…again -.-
blizzard sux, they only wants our money, i hate them for this humilatin us gamers again and again
yes you did, its blizzard… they cant do anything right… plain and simple… you knew before you bought the game
i think thats the issue there! ppl trying to dupe items instead of play! and after that comes there to flame the company theyre trying to abuse . That’s the Humanity!
sa fait + de 2heur et rien de nouveau … sa vas être réactivé a 20h comme hier ou quoi?
encore en panne c’est vraiment du foutage de gueule
money back and never buy a game from Blizzard again
какой пи***ц с даными серверами. как вы замахали уже. маленткая инди компания… которая не может пофиксить проблему неделю… а да игре уже 20 лет… кайф. заплатил 2к рублей чтоб смотреть на “не удалось подключится к серверу”.
Нуууу поооочему я не могу играть в это(((
I bet the servers will come back in 1h30 … as usual since last saturday
they wont refund any, game masters are lame. i contacted paypal, my last hope to get my money back.
как оформить возрат средств?
Рукожопые близы, второй день нельзя поиграть.
Might have been better on your credit Card and get a chargeback as the good are not fit for purpose
дядь 4й. не 2й уже сука 4й день
god bless saint blizzard
again and again… encore et toujours…
j’ai joué plus de 6k heures sur D3, la pluspart en HC… jai supporté les latences les déco/die:(… mais la c’en est trop!
i play more 6k hours to D3 HC with lag and crash/death:( but now it’s too much!
you could put D4 in your face… vous pourrez vous mettre D4 ou je pense!