I'm willing to pay, seriously

You could buy them in a webshop each time you wanted them. €25 a pop

Ah yes, pay 25$ to jump the que? 5min after the game crashed and you can pay again :stuck_out_tongue: Better not, I’d rather pay for WinRar…


It would be true to blizzard form. Just wait until D2R has been out a few months and they start offering you paid cosmetics nobody asked for.


Simp and a capitalist scum.

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This is not a free game to play. you already paid for it, and now the servers should be up and running, and waiting in lines is unacceptable. Blizzard do something about it …

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Saw that tread i think its just Blabla i will believe when they actually sue them.

Don’t pay for services that are included when you bought it.

The que is there cus they forgot that they needed servers from a company that has an CEO that swims in money and is better in how to make the most money from it then you able to press start button on the PC.

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blizz give a shit about it xD
they just laugh cuz so many peps bought diablo 2

The current situation is their mistake and they admitted that they underestimated the server load and, as result, overlooked this part of code. What you’re suggesting is a really really bad thing.

you are the reason games get worse and worse…

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Get a grip. The game plays like crap, we all know it. But don’t offer to pay the idiots who can’t fix their own game. Sycophant’s like you ruin good games.


thastsd why poe eso and cash grab games exists. gtfo out d2r if oyture stupid enough to turn this into a cash grab


Blizz know exactly how much Licences they sold in Pre-Order and after release. No excuses for this bad Server Perfomance.

Get lost with your Pay 2 access bs!

Ppl. like you ruin the Scene.

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в офлайн я и так поиграть мог бы не покупая ее

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Nah, it’s toxic people like you who ruin games.

whoever found this “only like” button idea is genious. I really want this forums dislike button too, soo real numbers would be like “3 likes , 343 dislikes(YES I REFERENCE to QUE GET IT?, GO QUE YOU GET IT :no_entry_sign:” …Ughhhh

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I think mostly dumb people who are always give in into microtransaction you are the reason why such things exist and Big company’s prey hard on guys like you.

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Let’s all gather another 50 euro each so they can buy some more servers because I am currently 526 in queue.

Yes, lets pay the company that is screwing up their online gaming experience more money because they are screwing up :clown_face:


This is the creator of D2