Missunderstanding - What is actually "The Authentic Diablo 2 Experience"?

Few classes can solo ubers i have done that not in d2r yet but i will do it again , pvp not my cup of tea, I play both games current time, you are not , i dont know when you stopped d3 and why , if that helps you i am on off to this game , Today d3 for me is a good game, it could be better, d2 is a good game and it could be better too . Its colorful ok i agree it doesnt have the same atmosphere as d2 but its not a valid point on difficulty . Atm D2 is easier than D3, D2 atmopshere is better than D3 , Both games have good and bads and D4 will take best of d2 an best of d3 and we will see if thats ok, D2 needs some more goals tho rather than farm farm farm


it is just a suggestion, im not great fan of personal loot myself. i think there are much better ways to encourage people to farm together and finally have fun farming dozen of hours - the joy of solo farming session keeps dropping steadily, i bet most players think like that.

PLoot does not make the game easier. Youā€™re either being mischievous saying that, or you donā€™t understand how PLoot works. PLoot would be an absolutely fantastic feature to help make the game accessiblw to more players, which is exactly what Blizzard said they want to do with it.

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the problem about this is that making the game more accessible mostly means making it more casualā€¦ploot is ok, but the way it works in wow or diablo 3 will not fit for d2r in my opinion.

Respec was actually added to the original game in patch 1.13 which released in 2010 (yes they were still updating the game then).

To me this leads to an interesting question: what is the authentic Diablo experience? Is it before the XP gain was nerfed? Or is it patch 1.10 where physical damage got to the point you may as well just have a sorc to farm with until you can get top tier items for your physical characters since melee was just a chore compared to nuking a room with a sorc? Or is it 1.14d, the latest patch that came out in 2016?

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Nothing of it. The real d2 experience was in 1.09 and before. After patch 1.09 the community changed, because with the big patch1.10 the new ladder modus was integrated with new runewords and so on.

As a result from it the trade was broken, cause a big inflation. For what we played years - all of it was nothing worth anymore. So many players like me was burned out from it.

Okay i was wrong, after a few month later after 1.10 release the old accounts was not worthless anymore but ā€¦ i already gave nearly all off my (now non-ladder) stuff away and didnā€™t logged in for over 90 days. all was gone.
I think that happend to much player so we could break up with our d2 addiction.

But a new generation of d2 players started with 1.10, some of them played it till today.

So i would say, something between it (1.09 and 1.10) is the authentic original.
Infinite respecs (like we have in 1.14) of course is not the original game and iā€™m sad about it. 3 q.respecs better as no respecs, okay. But infinite with worthless tokens? ā€¦ not good at all

try to change your view about this: the experienced player will never need a token. but new players who will easily fuck up their build more than 3 times are glad to have them. helping new players to get slightly easier into the game is a good thing - that doesnt change the difficulty of the game at all. there WILL be people abusing respec for sure, but at most its a good thing as it is in my opinion.

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Back in the prime time of D2, we had clans for this. We planned, organized and communicated. 8 player groups were often all clan members that knew what drops were needed by which group members. If something like a shako dropped or a high rune, everyone would roll for it.
Clans/guilds are much easier to form on original D2 however since the chat system is a lot better. Private clan channels with clan bot admins that moderated the channel and had / commands to provide information.
Iā€™d like to see them add, if anything, the ladder system & chat/channel system that the original game already has. If they were to add anything new, some sort of clan system to make it easier for members to party up, find each other, etc would be quality and also wouldnā€™t change the core game mechanics what so ever.

Shared stash is a good example of creativeness without breaks authentic so much.

Remove the cow king kill permanent disable you to open cow level is another one

Remove de pindlesky portal permanenr close is another imorovement welcome.

But no. I can not agree with deep change of mechanics like for example loot for range. A range char is taking 0 risk and thats why they are far away both from action/risk and from loot as well. If you want to assume some risk on critical moment you are able too approach to the action. Also enigma exists

I actually wrote a post porposing another non insivasive change that is the game recreation without abandon a party and create a nre one that will enchance both user experiencie and server performance. You cab take a look abd coment about at Suggest: Recreate world button

i was for shared stash but now i feel it was a mistake. it is to easy to share gear, i dont feel the need to farm/buy 5 shakos, multiple 35%fcr spirits, enigmas etc. On the side note and it is a personal problem it activated my inner hoarder and i feel forced to pick up every lvl20 set/unique and create 10 mules to hold all that useless crap.