People who use overpowered abilities makes no point play with them

In the past I play only with my friend in D2 who always wait me and have pretty similar skill. And it was fun.

But playing with random people is not fun at all.

I tried play Nigthmare difficulty with my Assasin 37 lvl after finishing main campaign and in the very first session one single Amazon can kill solo any group of monsters in blink of eye with her ability Javelin. There was also other 4 people in this game, so mobs should be strong enough. Honesly it felt like I play with some cheater.

Without proper balancing between classes this gameplay makes no point. When I play coop I want to be resourful, not somebody who just running aroung and gathering loot.

So I see clear issue between melee and ranged classes\abilities.

Amazones are very strong but probably this was intended as they probably want to rush you through NM to hell. sounds like that.


This is the problem with the game since they introduced rune word gear. The gear is very powerful and its a rush to find and create if you have the runes for it. I have been playing since 2000 and it was the same back then. Im trying a more relaxed approach this time through though. If you want do play the game in a more relaxed way add me to battlenet and we can play normally with no rush gameplay.

Most player play a min-max-build. What level was the Javazone?

So she probably maxed her main attack with the Javeline to the cap for her level. Also, she might have done several special treasure runs, so she has a good equipement. Diablo 2 is all about that: The better the equipement, the better you come through the game. And if you min-max your character (e. g. using only one attack for 95% of the time and skill this attack to the cap, as well as the synergies to the cap as far as it is possible.) you’ll melt through the mobs like a hot knife through butter.

The game will get more difficult, however. The beginning in NM isn’t that difficult, yet. (compareable to the beginning of normal, realy.) But you will get a challenge pretty fast. Especially, if you play a character with only one damage-type. There will be immunes of all categories, even physical and magical. Act 1 begins with fire-immunes, so a fire-only-sorceress or a Fire-elemental-druid will have a much harder time to kill the mobs there, than an ice-specialized sorceress or Druid.

BTW: I think level 37 is pretty low for NM. I’m playing a Sorceress and I’m still in Act 5. (just reached level 40) And since the realy good stuff (beginning with the unique classe-items) starts at level 42, I think, I will not go there until I reached that level. (This isn’t so difficult, btw. You level realy fast at act 5, normal between level 30 and 40…)

There are also special regions to make treasure-runs. Pindleskin (a special unique-monster at the entrance of nihlataks temple.) is a realy good example for that. You can farm him about 10-12 times per hour (and this even isn’t pretty fast.) And he almost always drops a yellow item. Runes and Gems being just a bonus.
He and the mobs around him aren’t very difficult to defeat, get a relatively HUGE amount of exp and are Zombies, which resurrect on their own. Compared to arisens of a third monster, they even always give xp. (arisen monsters of a third source, like sarkrophagous in act 2 tombs, or the liches there, or the fallen in act 1 and so on, don’t give xp a second or third time.) So you not only get a huge amount of good items (especially, if you have treasure-found equipement on.) you also get a huge amount of exp. It’s common to get 3 level-ups per hour there… even in a solo-game. (without “players 8” command, because this isn’t available online…)

This are all reasons, why you can melt through mobs in act 1 NM. With ALL classes btw. You only need to be min-maxed and have good EQ.


To make this a more general point, it’s natural when playing with randoms that you’ll end up with a mix of players with different approaches and goals for the game. Some may want to min-max and go as fast as possible, where others would prefer to take their time and just have fun.

Really the best thing you can do is try to group up with others that have roughly the same idea in mind. Make friends with the randoms you run into and enjoy playing with or use some of the avenues for getting a group together such as the LFG part of the forums here:

Understandably sometimes you just want to quickly get in and out of the action and will have to take a chance on the other players you end up with, but for longer sessions you can hopefully over time find others with the same objective to join up with.


Thx for answer, really useful information for me. I see you know this game very well.

My biggest problem with Assasin is attack rating which is currently about 70-75% depending on mob type. Is such rating considered normal for melee class?

Every second\third attack blocked by monster drain mana from me and don’t deal any damage.

Second problem I don’t have gear with slots for gems while I have already tons of runes and perfect gems in my chest. I don’t see gear with slot from sellers or from killing monsters, it’s only sometimes occasionally 1-2 items, but with bad parameters, so I mostly use yellow gear, but without slots. Techically I can increase attack rating by 200-300 units would I have slots.

Hey, don’t get this wrong but since you’re talking about min-maxing: If you wanted to do that, you could farm Countess nm in your 30s until you have your rune words done (those including up to Io, maybe Lum). From there as a Sorc you can just blitz through the acts. Got into hell at 45 that way - all solo.

Well, same phenomenon as in WoW. The games are full of mini maxers, which was not the case back then.

  1. Make games with friends only
  2. Accept it and get rushed by those guys.
  3. Mini-max your assasin to a lightning/death trap build and kill as fast as this amazon. Then in hell you will show every amazon who is the boss ^^

37 is low level for NM? Are you serious with that? I am currently 26 and in act 5 on normal and i doubt i will even get to 30 when having dealt with Baal.

How do you get to level 40 in normal mode? Certainly not with a normal playthrough. You had to farm exp specifically. Did it came from Countess runs? I heard its always getting farmed on normal, but i wanted to farm her on NM since she can apparently drop more.

Am i really too low for NM? I am playing a fire druid up until lvl 35 and then want to change to wind. Would i have big problems in NM?

Just see if you can beat the Ancients. On your own I mean. Otherwise we wouldn’t need this conversation.

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MAYBE, just maybe…don’t play in a group if you cant keep up?
I did that all through DIII. Either I was holding the group back, or they were holding me back, so I just went and soloed everything.

ANd if you want to contribute in a group (or have a better chance) then hush up and let them carry you so you can get the gear you need to contribute.
Basic order of operations.
Or find a group that is more akin to your skill/gear/level. There are several solutions that YOU can take before you come to the forums to demand that BLIZZARD fix something that is not broken.

As for mob difficulty, I can not speak for online, but I use the offline command “/ players 6” to make the game pretend there are six people…and I still plow through content, and I just got to act III. Still kicking butt in there too.

I am out of solutions, but the point was that there are things YOU can do for YOUR gameplay, instead of demanding everybody else get changed.
There is, after all, a specific forum on here dedicated entirely to finding groups. Maybe try there first?

Just noticed that the op got a Blue response, that says the exact same thing I did…just a lot more politely. TY, Bluey.

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Do you get more exp when you use the “/player6” command? Is that how people farm exp in normal mode?

yeah. seems quite a bit more exp.

Damn. Luckily the game doesnt have proper competition, or else this could be seen as cheating.

How could it be cheating, when Blizzard openly tells you about the command?

Like i said, it would be cheating in a competitive environment. Since Diablo 2 doesnt have that, its not cheating.

There is a competitive environment, just not on offline mode :stuck_out_tongue:

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hey there,

i am also more a relaxed player.
i would like to join you for a bit if a playthrugh or some farming activities.
my battletag is: Microware#21178


With level 26 you will get to level 30 in no time in act 5. (I also was something like that, when I reached act 5… 28 maybe.) It’s a real pain to get form level 24 to level 30 solo. I know that. But in act 5 you will get more experience than in any other act.

Yes, I must admit, I did some repeated runs. But more for loot, than for exp. (“Pindleskin” at the entrance of Nihlataks temple. DON’T activate the wypoint there, and the portal will stay open.) The Zombies in act 5 will get you a huge amount of xp and you will get it EVERY time, you kill them. (they can resurrect on its own several times.)

If you never were in NM, you should realy save a 3-socket shield (with grey text, that’s important!) and socket the runes, you will get from a quest in Act 5. (in order RAL - ORT -TAL) This will boost your resistances, which you will greatly need in NM and even more in Hell. (you will get -40% resist in NM!) Don’t worry, you will be at least level 32, when you reach baal.

But I would just farm Pindleskin a few times. His drops are very good. (at least one rare, normally.) And the XP you’ll get there are a nice bonus.

The countess at normal won’t get you any xp anymore with level 26… (But you still can farm common runes.)

people search for baal runs in the lobby theres loads! i got from 30 to 40 in like an hour if that