Please change to personal loot

Im not saying that, im saying that arguing flooding the market in a game famous for bots and its sale pages makes no sense. Also 8 players games always has more drops that is the point of play with ppl, no matter the loot system.

Yes but you only have 12.5% to see a Lo rune dropping if you divide the loot table in to 1/8, which will punish most for even joining 8 players. People are already complaining that it is hard to get/see high runes by simply casually playing the game, which it is because this is a game that you need to farm, a lot.

And to make loot non tradeable and/or adding 8x more loot will make this game in to a x8 loot drop mod.

Gold auto pickup and shared stash is ok cuz 20 years ago there were technical limitations, but personal loot is no ok although this loot system was also due to technical limitations.
Now makes no sense do MF runs with pickups (a online game that punish play with others)

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the runes drop chance is only affected by the number of players, 8 players has the same chance with one system or another, the difference is that u have a chance of get it instead of see how other pickup it

Auto pickup was introduced because gold was a mess with all small piles of gold everywhere, nobody even cares about gold unless they are goldfarmers with goldfarming equipment. People did not even care about gold in vanilla because it was just annoying to click on ‘‘2000’’ gold.

A shared stash tab is just a way for you to mule items without throwing everything on the ground. Do you think the game would be better if you had to create games and throw out everything on the ground? Nobody liked muling in Diablo2 because it was a big gamble and a mess, what if the servers broke down?.. D2:R… ‘‘lol’’

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What decides if YOU should have the rune when another player kills the enemy after 200 games? You can play hundreds of runs without seing a mid rune in an 8 player game in D2. The drop rate of high runes are not jacked up by x8 because you play with more players, it is still super low. I am always hugging the enemies as a Sorceress and it is super rare to see anything higher than Ko-Fal.

I totaly dont care if some random lvl 60 gets a vex out a cow that i killed. I only care about the 8 players modifier affecting my loot. If that one player got a lucky drop from my kill, good for him. Does not affect me, i thank him being in the game with me for my loot modifier. So yes. Personal loot is required. That will make random games more social.

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Literally what? That loot was going to drop at the feet of what you killed, and you were closest to pick it up. He basically took loot you were going to grab from “your kill”. Doesn’t affect you? That’s a pretty serious cause and effect disconnect if I’m being honest.

I’m glad you feel that way, but the majority of D2 players do not, and don’t want ploot in their game in any form.

right now its the following. i open cows01, teleport to tristram open cows, start clearing. when people arrive i teleport far away and clear my own spot. when i see ppl reaching my spot i create a new game and repeat.
actually i found more high runes playing solo than on 8 because of this extra nonsense trying to avoid other players. because the loot system prevents coop killing. it makes no sense at all. i am a trapsin, i am not in range, thr playstyle does not allow to sit on the mob to instantly grab the rune.

If there was personal loot, i could actually play with others, kill stuff together and not see everyone as a threat for my loot.

personal loot = the drop is only visible for the player. that way there is no stealing and that way ppl can get loot from stuff being killed by others, too. why not.

This is also true. I would prefer some decision making before opening a game. which mode to play. ffa and 8 modifier will work with an organized group. and personal loot with 1 player loot chance on drop in a 8 player game might be useful for pugs because at least its easier to progress quests together.

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Loot being free for all is why I strip my Sorc of MF completely to baal run. If people are going to get lucky it sure as hell won’t be off of me. Other than that it’s just a QOL change that could help people out. Otherwise you have to hope a public game isn’t full of greedy buggers … and they almost always are.


No. Why don’t you adapt to change lol

I Agree. I been playin for over 20 years d2 and the none personal loot sucks.

Here a few reason why

melee players always get loot first.
90% of All always used cheat programs to pick up loot faster plus the cheat program that crashed you game if a good item droped.
Plus is makes u not wanna play with other players. I see No reason not to add personal loot options when u make a game


I also hope they implement personal loot instead of listening to those, who reject any change in the game.

  • Saying “you go baal runs for the xp” doesn’t make sense because Baal still drops items. And they are caught by people with the better internet connection or the better pick bot.

  • It discouraged playing with others, because if you are not fast enough you know you will not get any of the loot. Especially if you imagine he drops a rare item like Maras and you image you could have gotten that. Better play solo and you know, the loot is for you.

  • Even David Brevik, the creator of Diablo 2, said he would implement personal loot. The game is over 20 years old, there are flaws in the game, that’s why you don’t see shared loot in the blizzard games after Diablo 2, like World of Warcraft.


As much as id love to agree, you’re wrong. If what you’ve explained is the case, they just gonna run private 8. slot bot games with a master bot and grind even worse than now.

The best thing they can do for this game is NOT touch the loot system.

Don’t turn turn it into D3 that game was a disaster.

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Yes, because 20 years ago there were not many RPG games to play, the players sticked to D2 for years.
Now indeed, lot of aspects changed. Having a possibility to get good imes and high runes easier is not against the game in that moment if time. There is a lot of builds you can choose to try in PvM AND PvP, so no problmes getting high end itmes and runes, players will not leave the game because of that.
BUT, not getting itmes WILL make the polayers leave the game, because indeed, we do not have 5 years to farm for a LO rune for Grief and for Enigma runes to be able to go PvP…

There is a guy in yoiutube that did 1000 Lower Kurast runs and got 0(ZERO/NADA) LO runes. AND, all adivice that Lower Kurast runs is the most efficinet way to get high runes. Do you know what Lower Kurat runs is? You just neter game, teleport to the 2 super chest, open them and exit. and again again again… Is that gaming for you?

People complaining about drop rate and want personal loot, just uninstall and go back to D3.

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There are also builds you can play without having to find super rare items at all, so no need to change drop rates. Your argument just works in both directions.

There is no reason why every single Player should be able to find every single item in this game in what ever time frame.

yes, that is precisely what d2 is, sometimes you are lucky sometimes you are not period. GLHFEZ!

Anyone who knows programming knows how to switch to personal loot is very difficult to achieve. You have to rewrite the entire procedure from scratch. In my opinion it is simply impossible. I suspect it’s much easier to group runes and crystals.