Please change to personal loot

there is personal loot, play solo or mf in area that someone else is not mf’ing in…
easy solution

Its lazy people that wanna get free loot for having others killing baal for them, aka D3 players. Nothing to see here :slight_smile:

Agree, i play solo because I hate this " I click faster" bullsh/^

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Not for me, but if he is enjoying it, who i am to judge?

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Nobody forces you to post at threads, that you dont like… idt…

what they need to change is how players can see loot on the ground.
they only need to add layer logic for things that lay on the ground.loot that is about to drop is assigned to one of the 8 possible layers first. there must be 1:1 relation from player to layer. that way only things are on the ground that your layer contains.

SSF and personal loot would be great :slight_smile:

fastest hand in the west? really?? You know you get item picker programs right? I have been any many games that it was used by players. You are serious with your statement or just ignorant.

“Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.”

I vote for personal loot just so that these basement elitists can get angry and spam the forums with their tears.

You DO realize that breaks the game? Why then will the minions of Hell grow stronger? The game is based on scarcity and competition of valuables, and you suckers want to throw that out the window? So long trade! Oh, boy, I just love “Diablo” 3!

If you want Diablo 3 go play it. Just. STAHP! Want personal loot? Put a password on it, and only let trusted friends in. Play SP. Play “Diablo 3.” You are NOT prepared…

Blizzard needs to stop catering to people that shouldn’t be playing the game in the first place. I don’t get on your Hello Kitty Island Adventure and tell them to add demons and hellscapes, do I? No. I do not.

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Stop necroing this topic. It’s dead.

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And what is that exact same scenario happens for you for 1 month straight? Somebody else gets a mid-high rune that drops under your feet 200 times. You have 12.5% chance to even see that rune, 87.5% to not see it with personal loot in a full game. This game is not a ‘‘oh I just enjoy farming cows or whatever for 1 month without loot’’ game, because we all know that it is pretty boring to run the same are over and over again with 0 drops.

So, you basically say:
The speed of the graphic card, CPU, Disk, the Monitor, the Keyboard, the Mouse, the Network Card, the Router, the Modem, the Internet-Line, the Network Packages, the Human Body, unallowed Programs, Elektrones, Neurones, … all that doesn´t matter?

Your opinion shows up a lack in education.

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Diablo 3 is never going to be as good as Diablo 2. Which does not imply that the development and experience of Diablo 3 in these 10 years has not had improvements. The content of the game should be accessible to everyone, clearly not a freebie, but people who put in at least two hours a day should be able to get what they want in the game. In this regard Diablo 3 is better than Diablo 2, and diablo 2 resurrected could take some elements from diablo 3 to improve the player experience

Then go on ebay buy a PII 266 MHz with 16MB RAM, 4MB VGA card and a 15’’ CRT, install Diablo 2 from a 2000 disc, live forever in the past and leave us alone.


NO, freaky NO!

D3 same bs.
WoW become same BS!
Because ppl are little B.
The game is good from +20 years and dont need such crap system.

you see, this kind of weak players which just enter a party game and wait for other to kill mobs when they just watch for loot… is nice to get Ber + Jah when killing no mobs and just watch right?

Danutz is baaack

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Lord of the Rings - Don’t Feed the Trolls by Jonathan Coulton - YouTube

Didn’t know the troll went away, although I been on my jollies. Welcome back Mr Troll

there is way more important issues with this game (still) than having to care about people that have issues with sharing THEIR loot with other people.

You guys start reminding me of gollum from the lord of the rings lol.