Please change to personal loot

Look at all the clowns in here who think ploot is gonna happen. Go play d3, clowns

The irony of you talking about intelligence when everything you write is in broken English. Go play d3, clown.

Go play Diablo 3. That is game of no balance and weak player. You wanna a game with standard of 2022 everybody want happy with they good purple pixels. Sorry but not sorry that is 1997 game where players was not cry baby about everything.

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This is only a simple question … thanks to God exist, for now, a free speech and a free to ask a simple question. For sure, ask a question is not as to say “this game is bad etc…” NO.

the irony is the ones who do not want personal loot actually are baby-crying like:
"meee, do not add personal loot because I am not able to kill mobs meee,
meee, I prefer to watch others how kill mobs and steal their loot , meeeee
then they come here to forums to explain us how man they are… pathetic…

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It’s actually the other way around. The person who kills the mob has a higher chance to get the loot when there is no personal loot. Predetermined Loot would be a fixed 1/8 chance to get the item that drops. No personal loot will have the chance of stolen loot but that’s a much smaller chance except you are the dumbest person in the group

If you play with people who use a pickup bot then it’s your own fault. Just make your own games and you are fine

and how should I know when enter a 8 players game that one use a pick-up bot?

You make friends like normal people usually do. Just add people you like to your flist and play with them. Those who are toxic land on the blacklist problem solved. It’s an online game thats how people have played for years.
If you want to change the game because you are not social maybe consider to not play with other people?

ok, but then add /player x in online solo.

Just play with other people, you always say that you are a very good player, shouldn’t be difficult to get other good people to play with you. Free loot for single players in a multiplayer game should never happen

People so scared of person loot it is funny.

It is justa superior way of doing business at this point. What exciting gameplay experience is added if we pick up the loot spilled over the ground lol. It actually kinda rude if you think of it. See the loot you got on screen and give the option to click it keep or drop. Clean and efficent.

It’s fun to see people cry on the forums when they missed their loot and others sell it for big bucks on unknown sites sarcasm off

Group loot is just way more interesting. You have to decide who gets which piece and who don’t.

Rng is already a big part of this game, more RNG doesn’t increase the fun. If you see the loot of others you will get mad because 7/8 times you will not get that item you desire. If you don’t show the dropped loot you will rarely see loot at all far less than playing solo. If you increase the drops then you force people to play with personal loot because it would be way more efficient and thus destroy the economy and make the game even easier. Right now organized groups have the advantage over single players and that’s fine.
Early in Ladder items are far more expensive than later which makes economy a competition.

Most games with personal loot are bad. WoW is moving back to ‘Guild Loot’ because people forced their members to farm high ilvl items so that they can distribute their loot better themselfes. PoE personal loot is exactly what you are asking for and considered bad. You are waiting for grey items from other players to become lootable and thus slow down the gameplay heavily. Most games with personal loot target a casual audience which doesn’t understand that personal loot will decrease the odds for the loot you actually want

Maybe you people should consider to stop playing in pug groups and make your organized games → Problem solved and you will enjoy the game even more.
For those who think p8 is efficient in terms of loot that’s only the case if you can clear p8 very fast on your own aka splitfarming where nobody steals your loot. Pit runs are the best way to obtain items in the game and are done in players1

To date, the million times this has been raised, there has been no good solution proposed to implement this without tanking the economy. Even if it was possible from a game code perspective.

Then please go back to 1997 to your MP3 player, white-boy baggy style and nick carter haircut and gtf out of here.

And trash your PC and buy a P1 166MHz on ebay cause 1997.

You people are completely lost. If humanity was going by your logic we’d still be sitting in damp caves carving crude pictures into the walls.


they are afraid of chenges. because they are hard adapting to changes. they realized that during their lifes so now are directly against any update proposal to everything even without thinking at it, because they know will have hard time to adapt.

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This is old school stuff and not the easymode d3 and maybe easymode d4 in the near future. Some here still live on their moms monthly allowance and can’t handle D2 multiplayer settings.
They are so stressed they miss out on anything that might drop. They buy their loot in immortal for real money because otherwise they are lagging behind the top players. They can’t handle ladders and whine about it.
Adapting to chances in life is easy and is done on a daily base, D2 is meant to he harsh and unrully. Adapt to it or play something else.

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no? imagine having personal loot. u have much more mf in 8p grp and 8 times more items in each game. market would get flooded by items. this would destroy the entire economy. prices are allrdy dropping faster than your mood when some1 is looting faster than you. play singleplayer if you dont like it.

no. the number of items will drop the same as now in 8 players game. but, when an item drop the game will chose to what player from the 8 to be shown only and to be able to loot it. is not like when a BER drop to drop for each player, e.g. 8 BER runes drop, but only 1 BER whcih will be randomly allocated to a player.

So people will get less items at a run and therefore less change a good item will be picked up for them. You are already crying now when nothing drops for you, imagine getting less items and other people get the good stuff.
Nah personal loot sucks, I rather run with full loot drops. I play with trustworthy people who know my needs. Never ever someone “stole” an item I was looking for and even when that would happen I would grin and run another map.
You are an excellent player who knows how to play this game, after all that’s what you tell us time after time, should not be difficult to get a group going for you who will treat you well. And if that doesn’t happen look in a mirror, their might be a reason people act like that when playing with you.