Addressing Autoclicker / Bots and AFK accounts

Im really enjoying the game BUT the amount of AFK autoclicker / bots is going way out of hand. I would love Blizz to sort these accounts very soon. Check Kulles Library and there are usually 10-20 on average and i been seeing the same people since Beta release. Please address the situation

Please report Diablo Immortal stuff on the proper forums…

That isn’t a bug report and that isn’t a technical problem. Somebody has a clue where that can be posted?


Cheating needs to be reported in-game… see Reporting Cheating in Diablo Immortal - Blizzard Support .

You can post (vent ?) on the DI sub-Reddit… as indicated in this support article: Diablo Immortal Feedback and Suggestions - Blizzard Support

Note that the subject of bots and spoons and whatever automation players are using is already being investigated – see the reply by PezRadar :

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