Bone spirit's description misspelled

Just noticed…


Launch a Bone Spirit that will seek enemies. Deals 4000% weapon damage as Physical on impact.

You gain a charge every 15 seconds and can store up to 3 charges. Recharge time is reduced by 1 second for each corpse you consume.

Where’s the misspelling? On a specific rune? In a specific language?

Mine says “Phyiscal” :slight_smile:

It seems just fine in-game for English…

Where are you seeing the spelling mistake? Be specific please, e.g. on the in-game skills screen, on the in-game tooltip if it’s in on your toolbar, on a website? Can you take a screenshot and link it here?

  1. Copy the URL to the clipboard
  2. Paste the URL into your forum post
  3. Highlight the URL in your post
  4. Click the </> button in the editor
  5. This will turn your URL into pre-formatted text
  6. Whilst not clickable, the URL will be properly formatted so others can copy / paste it like this…

I took a screen shot but I do not know how to link it here.

To show it choose Bone Spirit and Poltergeist.

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The instructions are in the post you’re replying to…

Hmm. When looking at just the rune description, it’s fine…

But once the rune’s selected, the typo is there…

I just checked you have hosted the image on an external website. I was looking for a direct upload and could not see it.

Anyway it is like “Judgement” in WoW Retail and Classic. Sometimes it is “Judgement” and sometimes “Judgment”.

Its says phyiscal instead of physical, though it’s probably a typo