D3 on console ( hear me out blizzard )

Hey! My name is Yoon! I don’t often do this so please bear with me if I’m messing my text or the way I should be forming it.
I’ve been a diablo player ever since I was a kid, used to play with with my older brother and has been my favorite franchise since ever and I’ve stuck with it, from d1 to d3 and not so soon d4 I’ve played all games for as long as I can remember. I’ve reached top 10 on the current ladder multiple times on different accounts and different occasions.
Recently I purchased my nintendo switch due to the covid 19 stuff going on in the world and obviously Diablo was the right purchase to start with. I dunno how many times this was said but cheating is insane there, Solo 150 GR’s completed in under a minute 3 socket gloves etc etc the list goes on. I only realized this once I reached lvl70 on the master class and decided to give a glance to the Leaderboards and I was genuinely sad to see that. I have no idea if blizzard owns the rights to from the switch game or if they have any restrictions to their decisions but in the end of the day its the game they made and the game I fell in love with. Its blizzards reputation that gets damaged since they are allowing cheating in their game which has always been something they do not allow AT ALL. I still remember a lot of botters on the first iteration of D3 bans everywhere, people getting suspended yada yada yada, and its sad to see that they allow this on their game, specially on a new platform. I was very skeptic at first since I’ve always played on the PC and I imagined it would be so clunky but i was really surprised seeing that the game runs so so damn smoothly its enjoyable its engaging and the best thing is you can play where ever you want and its surprisingly a really good platform for D3 obviously doesn’t run as well as the pc but for what it is…its so damned polished and since there is so many people buying Switch nowadays due to Covid a lot of veterans might have looked into it even new comers to the game and franchise. But knowing that the integrity of the game is what it is on the switch its hard to believe people would want to buy it just to smack demons, push GR’s and realize that…all they had to do is spend money, get cheats and be on top. It could be a really nice place for d3 and news versions of Diablo in the future. As a veteran and a guy who loves trying his hardest on a fair game, I’d love to see actions being made on the cheating problem, they’ve bought the game, blizzard already got their money don’t let cheating ruin the game for the people who actually wanna try and not clear rifts with eyes closed. I’m sorry for the longish post, grammar error ( english is not my mother tongue ) and if the topic has been spoken dozens of times, this came from the heart and from someone who loves Blizzard and loves Diablo even more.

Kind regards, Yoon

Blizzard won’t do anything with this. It’s been around since it was launched on PS3 back in the days. For me this ruined the game completely. Duped and moddified items is everywhere and this kills the motivavtion totally. It could probably be an easy fix too. Just have something to check every item within the game if it fits limits/stats and if it’s not, you can’t equip it.

Great game, thats completly broken due to modders :frowning:

Im a new diablo player that bought a Switch and the game it self last month, and it’s insane how many cheaters I encounter so far, ppl with overpowered gear ( primal modded gear) and ppl with 20k paragon, I even finished a 150 GR under 2 minutes with a random guy, 1:02 to be exact, that had 20.000 paragon. I found a few ppl with 20k paragon and a bunch of ppl with modded primal gear so far, for a new player that’s not encouraging at all, even tho I’m a new player and like the game, I’m playing less since I started to see whats going on with a console version of this game, its just sad to see how filled with cheaters this platform is and blizzard does nothing about it. Just lame.

I’ll reply here even though I’m on XBox Scorpio - I recently had a similar experience during my usual 3-party play with the Wifey and her friend where I had “fiddled” around with some difficulty settings, and had also mistakenly set out game to PUBLIC!

In the midst of our play, some random dude popped in all LIT UP and super powerful he started throwing down all kinds of “green” stuff with sending a msg saying “I don’t need it take it…”

Likewise I opened a Greater Rift and where as (embarrassingly) it usually takes us 20mins or so, dude finished the rift in less that 2-mins.

I’ve - we’ve never seen anything like that before - but we “spruced up” our characters with all the zillions of Paragons we discovered we had when doing our repairs and upgrades.

Being suspicious of all that was going on, especially since it wasn’t really fun “running after dude” and not really killing anything ourselves - I msg dude “thanking him” for what he gave us and immediately exited the game and turned back on Private mode.

Now unfortunately, when we attempt to go into a Greater Rift, we get immediately killed once hit by a monster where as prior to the intruder, we were doing quite well in the Hard mode rifts!

So I’m wondering was our characters hacked / powers stolen OR is it because our chars are showing huge amounts of Paragon values BUT “underneath” all that glory, all of our powers have been stolen??

Originally, were were Lvl 70, somewhere around ~138

I’m actually here today to see if I can find out what happened and WHY we can no longer survive even “normal” level rifts etc.

NEVER play Public D3 games, that’s for sure!