Easy ways to improve public GRift queing?

Hi! TLDR: WHY can you join a Grift session when there is Grift in progress?

Public Grifts are a bit painful right now for a couple of reasons, some of them could have an easy change, some not, I’m looking forward for other bulletpoints to mention to this topic

  • First, the whole process is joining-quitting parties until you get one that you want to stay in, instead of some selective system. It’s painful but no trivial solution.
  • Joining a party where there is already a Grift in progress: the odds you want to stay in that party are very low, because: -you need to wait for the Grift to finish; - there is odds the game session is dead already with a GRift stuck; -joining players make the GRift harder unnecessarly, nobody wants that (3 players playing the rift while 1 is outside, difficulty is still 4 player);

So rises my ultimate question: WHY can you join a Grift session when there is Grift in progress? The only thing it does is it makes the join-rejoin process even more tidious.

When you write easy ways to improve something I would expect that you’d come up with a solution.
The joining/leaving issue wasn’t better, as far as I know, before they made the change to let players enter games with GRs in progress.
You already know that the best option is to play with friends, clan members, community members… or play solo.

Right, the easy solution: Don’t let players join Grift sessions where a Grift is in progress.