Few Questions - Followers and data

Is there any place where you can read something like an advanced manual for Diablo 3. Something that would answer my following questions here for example.

  1. Does a follower use the cool down reduction % on the gear I bestowed him?
    Why cant my templar use the templar relic that I infused with a gem of ease. What happens to the numbers?

  2. Is there somewhere a comprehensive list of legendaries, or legendary effects that a follower can benefit from?

  3. If you can choose from +10% damage or +8% damage to elites. Why would you ever choose the damage on the elites?

I dont know, I have many more questions but this post is getting cluttered. My main questions would be, where can I actually sift through the data. Why do I have to scour discussion forums to figure these things out. Big thanks to the guys who have the info and type it out here for the rest of us.
But where do you get the data?

  1. No, CDR doesn’t apply to follower. Only the relics that reduce cooldown by 50% does. But we always use the “cannot die” relics instead.
  2. A follower guide on US New Player Help forum: https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/d3/t/d3-ros-followers-wiki/448

Because finding how the game works is part of the game, as least it was the developer’s intention. Also, no one want to read an encyclopedia before playing a game.