First impressions (again) - inflation

I am playing this game from scratch with a seasonal character (I have half a dozen 70s with 520 Paragon, but that was very long time ago).

At level 25 and cannot help but notice the ridiculous inflation in the design: loot, gold, skills, difficulty levels.

At level 25 I have trained all three crafters to level 6-7, have crafted a few weapons and armour pieces, and still have like 200K.

Damage numbers, ridiculous, going up the thousands…

Skills, do we really need a million skills and a trillion variations… I know it is not PoE but browsing through skills and runes, what a mess.

Difficulty levels, a blessing or silliness. 20 difficulty levels? Really?!

I would really like to see the next Diablo be simpler and lighter.

Back in the pre-ROS days we had Normal, Nightmare, Hell and Inferno base difficulties but then we also got Monster Power 1-10, which means there used to be 40 difficulties, i.e. double what we have now.

Players usually complain that there are too few skills and builds that are really useful if you want to be “effective”.

Yes, we do.

Your exaggeration of the actual number of skills and variations notwithstanding, the high number of skills available to our heroes and the variations provided is exactly what makes Diablo 3 worth playing.

The various skill combinations, along with items variations than can be equipped, provides a way for people to play the same hero class many times, with each play-through providing a different experience.

I’ll say this though. You’re the first person I’ve seen here that has complained that there is too much variation. Most people complain about not enough, and want more content and variety…

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In my opinion, no, because the skills/runes are way too contrived in an already over-contrived world, and the “runes” are just there to tick boxes. I can imagine the lead designer said, “hey man, the barb needs 23 skills and 6 runes per skill, go make them” and voila we have this. Like most people I like choice but cringe on the artificial.

And I do not like the immersion breaking with tommyguns, laser beams and kitchen sinks dropping out of the sky, or was it a pillar.

Not “variety” for the sake of, but variety of decent quality. Imagine you were tasked to create just one skill for the barbarian, let’s say “Cleave”, and 6 runes for it. You could have come up with anything at all, you could have consulted your 5 year old as well. Cleave with leech, cleave with frost, cleave with lightning, cleave with fire, cleave with stun… Ah yes, this is more or less what we have already. See, I could have been a D3 designer…


  • Forced
  • Artificial
  • Unnatural
  • Manufactured
  • False
  • Fixed
  • Affected
  • Unspontaneous

Is this not what a computer game (of just about any genre) is supposed to be?

And as for the skill runes being just “Tick-Boxes”, they are there to provide variety, as I said before.

Just try this sometime:

  1. Play the class of your choice, with a particular set of skills and appropriate runes applied and a suitable combination of equipped items.
  2. Play the exact same class again with exactly the same skills as before, but with differently chosen skill runes, and see just how much of a difference it makes.
  3. Again, play the same class as before, bust this time with differently chosen skills, skill runes and equipped items. Once more note how different that class will play.

If you see this as either too much variety, or not enough, then clearly the ARPG (Action Role Playing Game) genre is not for you, and with all due respect, you should be playing something a little more predictable like Card Games or Sudoku.

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This qualifier is redundant if the very next thing you say is an insult.

So I have not played D3 in a few years and had forgotten all about it. As I am struggling to level and gear a seasonal barb (currently paragon 42), I thought to load my non-seasonal barb with paragon 520. I (re) discovered tons of gear all stashes chock full, and just cannot remember how I did all this… I have vague recollection of rifts and cubing for set items but that’s it, the rest must have happened by magic…

I bet you wish there was some sort of helpful guide…

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Thank you, already been on icy veins etc re-learning slowly…

Skills, do we really need a million skills and a trillion variations… I know it is not PoE but browsing through skills and runes, what a mess.
here is like this you have 20 usles skills for lvlup and only 3 good for end game

Which is why I said with all due respect

About to many skills part. Diablo released as an ARPG game with a lot of kiting and DH jumping and I can see a game like that could have fewer skills (it would suck if it was the same) and RoS is more RPG oriented and allows us to stand in the fire and stuff. Since killing enemies is so easy by just holding the mouse pointer and press a new fumbers repeat then the skills need to be more and more items and more passives and more cubing cuz if u aint paragonlevling you could be a philosopher of what skill I choice category. If you die on Belial for the first time then you should be like “How do I wanna kill him” instead of “How do I kill him”.

If the next thing you say after “with all due respect” is an insult, it means that you have zero respect for the person you just insulted.

no, it means you are arguing a point of disagreeance. Usually in a polite manner, agreed. I didn’t take the part after that as an insult, but a comparative suggestion on different levels of difficulty in games and easier games suiting some people more so than others.


With all due respect has become an overused phrase, it is now often used sarcastically to mean the exact opposite of what it states.

In 2008, the Oxford dictionary compiled a list of the most irritating phrases in the English language, the phrase with all due respect came in as the fifth most irritating phrase in the English language. Perhaps because of its changing function from a phrase meant to mitigate hard feelings to a phrase that allows a subtle disrespect, cloaked in courtesy.

Please, go ahead and explain how much respect was conveyed when suggesting someone go and play cards if they didn’t like ARPGs.

It’s not disrespectful. It’s offering an alternative to something that someone doesn’t like doing. As an example - If you don’t like driving, go catch a bus.

i think sometimes people read more into something than there is.


It came across to me as if they were suggesting that if ARPGs are too complicated for you, go play something simple like cards, which you might be able to understand.

As Prometheus had offered an insult, and confirmed the amount of respect was all that was due, this suggests he thinks no respect was due.

As a mitigating point he did go to lengths to explain things, from his own perspective.


well, we are free to disagree then, aren’t we?