I just one-shotted cold Snap on 128 GR

Pure coincidence: Oculus ring right on target, 100 stacks of Tempest Rush, Power Pylon, just the right timing for the CofE

Go me


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Congratz :+1: … you mean Covfefe? :grin:

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He would do the same to you given the chance, so this is karma. Seriously though this guy is a hardcore killer if you don’t know how far away to stand.

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It was instant Karma. The Sweeping wind monk is incredibly tanky, when all 13 stacks are up, and they are very easy to maintain, combined with epiphany, which is permanent through a rift with enough CDR on gear and settings. I don’t think I’ve died at 128+ yet. Except one occasion in the festering woods when something like 4 elites converged together with some rather nasty affixes.

Having said that, the bane of the build is the wormhole champion affix. Even under the influence of channelling pylon, it just totally eradicates damage stacks in an instant.

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Oh yes! Definitely! But when you blow up bosses with 100 stacks of tempest, itmust be satisfying as hell :grin:

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OK what if i have hack weapon and ability freeze enemies and on cube equped rimeheart Thorn around 200,000 ?

thats mean "on every attack 100 percent thorn ?

200,000x10,000= right ?

I dont think rimehart gives your character an extra 10,000 damage. Just the weapon you’re holding
It’s like when you have 10% increase damage on a weapon. That doesnt increase your damage overall by 10%. Just the weapon and that might add just 1% overall. What you need is as much increase overall character damage. Eg from captain crimsons . mantle of channelling and other overall damage boosters

I’m no expert in damage calculations but in most cases your total damage is calculated from your weapon damage. So if a weapon has 2.500 damage and another has 2.750 (because of 10% extra damage) then a set bonus of, say, 10.000% should still give 10%. There are exceptions of course. In a thorns build weapon damage is not part of the equation.

Rimeheart isn’t as impressive as you 'd think. It’s best you equip a weapon that buffs a certain ability that you use. Pretty much every build has that, and not just only one. There are usyally two. One that you wear and the other one which is usually a two handed, that you put in the cube. There are exceptions of course. For example thorns crusader sometimes uses the pig sticker because it has the highest attack speed in the game and there isn’t anything better at the moment.

I don’t even know how rimeheart factors into the game but if it’s a simple additive supposing your char has 4 million damage. Rimeheart takes it to 4 mill and 10k momentarily which is mediocre

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I mean, Rimeheart sucks but it’s definitely not how it works.

Think of rimeheart proc as its own skill, as if you had casted a skill that does 10000% weapon damage. Sounds impressive, right ? Then you realise it’s not multiplied by much. For comparison, let’s take condemn crusader. I believe the base damage of condemn is ~1160% weapon damage (after checking: it’s exactly that, go me-mory). Condemn’s damage gets multiplied by the shield, by 9. Then by the weapon, by another 9. That’s 93960% weapon damage. Blade of prophecy also triple the number of condemn per cast. All of those also proc area damage, unlike rimeheart.
And condemn (akkhan) doesn’t have the luxury to have a set dedicated to itself. Akkhan and LoD both (should, never tested) increase Rimeheart damage.
Now, just from this math alone, you can see that condemn hits for at least 9 times the damage rimeheart would… but unlike rimeheart, it has a 100% proc coefficient. I mean, condemn always does damage to mobs hit, Rimeheart does damage only 20% of the time, multiplied by the proc coefficient of the cold skill you use. Proc coefficients rarely go above 50%, so don’t expect to do damage more than 10% of the time with Rimeheart.

@GC40Dollar - Hack works like Rimeheart, but has a 100% proc chance (not 20%), and does 100% thorns damage instead of weapon damage (meaning its base multiplier is your thorns value, and not your damage range). They don’t multiply eachother whatsoever.


thanks for backsupport is somewhere way to reset my Cube to blank stat ? No legendary inside ? i wanna to start play Classic Jade only Jade set and some lege no Cube usage only for crafting with reciepe.
No weapon storage …


No. Once you’ve selected an active power in any of the Cube’s slots, there’s no way to reset it to a blank / unassigned. Your only option is to change them to powers that aren’t particularly beneficial.

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Thanks you for your time kikaha.