Ideas and changes in season 22

I’ve got some new ideas that may be worth mentioning.

Season 22 ideas/themes:

  1. Permanent nemesis effect
  2. You can put a legendary gem into helmet (Leoric crown!)
  3. You can augment ancient/primal items indefinitely (more than once!)
    (this would be a good idea after diablo III retirement)

New gameplay changes:

  1. You can use new Kanai recipe to transfer legendary property from one legendary item to another (addition OR swapping legendary properties), but other stats of item remains the same!
  2. Tyrael becomes playable character OR you can use him as your follower in adventure mode! (ofc, he gets some special powers and buffs-stun, blind, damage bonus, attack speed bonus etc…)
  3. If greed hits giant red gem in the middle of the boss room she drops one extra goblin OR the red gem burst into gems and gold, thus destroying the gem.
  4. New item-rainbow ring (drop rate 1%)- consuming it in Kanai cube opens a portal to rainbow level
  5. Primal items don’t take any space in the stash any more so that you can keep every single primal you get. It is a good change because primals are very rare and this would be an extra useful property of primal items. Like some hidden primal power. So after years of playing you can collect many primal items and combine them into some LoD build.
  6. There should be a new item like a ramaldini’s gift, but you consume it to give ancient status to some non-ancient legendaries. This will fix the problem in the case when you have very useful legendary item and you cannot get ancient that have better stats. You consume that new item that could be called ‘Auriel gift’ for example and you can give your favourite legendary an ancient status and then you can augment it! It would make the game a little bit easier. It is not overpowered. Drop rate 1-5 % or so. Please Blizzard!!
  7. If you collect purple orbs from elite minions AFTER THE BOSS IS SUMMONED in GR you get some extra time to finish the rift. you get like 10 seconds per orb collected. This may help players to do a little bit higher rift level. This feature is not overpowered and would not make any significant difference, but will make it a bit easier (just a little bit).

Everyone is called to give some alternative ideas and new solutions. Don’t hesitate to leave a comment. Thank you.


this is activision blizzard not blizzard

this is the one I like the most :full_moon_with_face:
it would be great :ringer_planet:
bright idea :stars:

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You can already augment primals/ancients indefinitely. It just overwrites the previous augment. Unless you meant that you could add all these augments to infinite stat. Probably way too overpowered if that’s the case.

So I could just repeatedly add caldesann’s despair augments to gear, and they’d accumulate rather than replace each other? I can get a gem from rank 0 to rank 100 in around an hour. So, let’s say I played heavily for a week, doing 3 hours a night on weekdays, and 8 hours a day on the weekend. That’d be (3 * 5) + (8 * 2) = 31 hours of play. So, that’d be 31 rank 100 gems. 31 rank 100 caldesann’s despair would add 31 * 500 main stat = 15,500 main stat. Now, imagine you did that for an entire 3 month season, or 13 weeks. 13 * 15,500 = 201,500 main stat.

Currently the maxmimum possible paragon level is 20,000. The first 800 are split between the four tabs, and let’s say the rest goes on main stat. That’s 19,200 * 5 = 96,000 main stat. So, your seasonal idea would gain a hero more than double the amount of main stat that 20K paragon would, in just three months, playing for 31 hours a week.

Yeah, that’s not a good idea.

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People who are hard-working (8-12 h work each day on the job) doesn’t have that much time to play all day like unemployed people, so they cannot have that many augments actually…Secondly, not everybody plays the WW barbarian or such fast builds.
My idea was just a core idea that needs more balancing. You can make it possible to augument the same item twice or up to 3 times (instead indefinitely) if that has more sense, so it won’t be overpowered at all.

For the last few seasons, upon completion of Chapter IV of the Season Journey to obtain my 6-piece armour bonus, the next thing I do is a T16 Nephalem Rift. That unlocks immediate access to GR75, which is the very next thing I do. So, as it’s possible to do a GR75 as your very first GR in a season, it’s incredibly trivial to get gems up to rank 50 or 75.

So, sorry, this isn’t a balancing issue. The idea is just plain bad. You shouldn’t be able to get the equivalent of a rank 150 augment by applying multiple lower level augments, regardless of whether it’s two rank 75s or three rank 50s.

My Season 21 hero was a Shadow/Impale DH. She has three augments, rank 50, rank 99 and rank 100. That’s with a played time of around 43 hours. The season’s been running for around 108 days so that’s roughly 24 minutes a day. So don’t come up with the justification that you need to be running speed builds or play for hours a day.

Sorry for wall of text. Hope you enjoy reading as much as playing video games!

Permanent nemesis effect could be cool for every season. It fixes alot of speed builds that dont have place for nems and makes you able to click pylons in group GRs no matter who has them. Little op in my opinion, but fun. You could make it so only one person needs to have Nems equipped and then every person in group gets the effect ^^.

Legendary gem in helmet? No. Thats a bad idea. Even worse if it would work with Leoric.

Augment multiple times? Stacking without cap? No. We already have unlimited paragons that I’m not a fan of. It would be good idea if we can augment the same item 3 times, each with 50 lvl gem, and it adds up stats but caps them at current maximum augment, so it would be the same as augmenting it with one 150 lvl gem, but in more steps. This is a good idea!

Now about your new gameplay changes:

  1. Little too confusing for a system. If it was a thing, then it should be expensive as to not be op. One month cooldown for broken things like this?
  2. Tyrael as follower? Fun idea to augment your follower to actually do some meaningfull damage. It would be a season that rewards solo players more than group players. Could be cool depending on balancing it right.
  3. Fun, little change. Approve.
  4. Same as above.
  5. Wont happen ever. As long as its the same spaghetti code Diablo they are just limited by how game is made. Can’t add character specific stash space or additional ones even if they wanted to.
  6. Fun thing, but I think another cube recipe would be better. Not to mention that Bounties should give more bounty materials since you can easily burn through 200 of them and not get a single good reforged legendary.
  7. If you still have orbs while fighting Rift Guardian, that means you are doing it wrong (or extreme rng just hit you).

For some of my thougts about new gameplay features:
A. Reforging legendaries in cube is too expensive (50 forgotten souls?). It should be either less materials or give it guaranteed ancient properties for either existing or new recipe.
B. For seasonal theme add one or two more passive slots. Barbarians would love it. To prevent it from being too OP, lets make it one additional slot for passive plus free Class Cheat Death Passive.
C. Leveling new legendary gems is not fun at all. Its easy and fast, but definetly not fun. Cheapest way to upgrade gem to level 50 is running low GRs speed in 1,5 minute. You can also do some higher GRs and level your Paragon at the same time in exchange for more time spend. It would be cool to get some higher level legendary gems drop from higher lvl GRs. Hard to balance. We could also get lets say gem 20 upgrade points for clearing GR 100 and adjust cost of upgrading higher level gems to require 5 points? I know, its not most elegant solution, but I’m sure you can “augment” it (pun intended)
D. I said it once above. Could be cool if you get half of your follower sheet dmg and vice versa.
E. Buff Barbarian! My main class that I play every time for last 12 seasons. Not many viable builds at the moment. I love WhirlRend and frenzy, but Might of the Earth needs buff to both damage and survivality. LeapQuake is too squishy, same with Cold-SeismicSlam. FuriousCharge also could use some love, not to mention new weapon throw set. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I’m quite sure barbarian is only class without any viable Legacy of Dreams build. Meybe Consider nerfing some sets and buffing legendaries?
I loved Pure Whirlwind build from 10 seasons ago, based on Area Damage and Attack Speed. My preferable build would use Rend not to do damage, but to buff WW damage taken on mobs (and apply it once , not every 2 seconds mind you).
F. Make Paragon Levels durring season Capped. Lets say 1500 for first two months of new season. We all know most players quit 1-3 weeks after new season comes out. In my opinion its because of uncapped paragon level. We working people dont want to grind 2k paragon levels just to be able to push some GRs and actualy get decent leaderboard spot. This plus additive augments with 750 stat cap on each augmented item could bring more “weekend only” players back to diablo durring seasons and make them stay there for more time.
G. Oh, I almost forgot to mention. Give us one additional GR key for every T16 Normal Rift. Doing GRs is soo much more fun than constantly running low on keys and being forced to farm Normal Rifts in public groups. I mostly play diablo without full party, with one or two friends that didnt quit after 2 weeks of new season.

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It would be nice to have a sort of stone or something to refund an augment.

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This idea I like.

To extend on it, maybe introduce a consumable item with a very low drop rate (say 1%, just like primal items) that allows you insert sockets into all items, including those that ordinarily cannot have sockets…

A bit late for this now. Suggestions for season 23/24 is probably better to discuss now.

Mate, most of your ideas are not going to happen and some are very difficult to implement. I asked for making other items to be more useful and seem like it is happening in this new patch with a lot of Wiz and WD items although I didn’t like what they have changed with the Etch Sigil off hand.

Ask for things like pet picking up crafting mats or dropping rare consumable item that do something. There are a lot of suggestion on Primal but I would say use that new consumable to reset the primal affix or swap with something more useful. E.g. you got Deadman and it came with NO 12 discipline and skill damage that you never use.

So you use Mystic to change/enchant the skill damage to either cooldown or 15% life or other skill that you are likely to use. That’s it, now you cannot change anything else. My idea is use the new consumable to change or reset and allow you to change another affix like 35% extra gold to 12 discipline.

So that way I get the perfect stat on my Primal Deadman like 1000 Dex, 1000 Vit as well as Cooldown and 12 Discipline. You should be able to apply this item with any legendary item, doesn’t need to be primal. How about that?

Great ideas are like a sofa and a broom-

I’ve forgotten where I was going with this.