LFT Season 21 start PS4

Looking for 3 others to do a full run of the story at the start of season 21, completed a couple of seasons on the PC, completed the story on console but not seasonal objectives for 20, usually play as Wizard class, want to complete all objectives for 21 ideally, will be starting on hard atleast and will be doing rift runs after, once story is complete on hard atleast then will up difficulty for rift runs, drop a comment or PM me :slight_smile:

So to recap
Season 21 hard story,
extreme difficulty and above rifts
Any player welcome

Good hunting.

Running through the story seems an odd choice, as seasonal heroes have immediate access to Adventure Mode from level 1, i.e. they don’t need to complete the Campaign first, and almost all of the Season Journey tasks can only be completed in Adventure Mode anyway. So, if you level up in Adventure Mode, by doing Rifts / Bounties, you’ll also be completing early Journey tasks whilst levelling, unlocking Haedrig’s Gifts sooner.

Oh, well. Good luck.

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I wasnt aware of that I assumed you had to start the story from the start, that’s what I’ve been doing but saying that I was random matchmaking on PC at season starts on story, but hey thanks for the know how :slight_smile: