Maps un-nerfed?

These clips from your posts also show your seriousness:

Yes indeed, thanks for proving me being serious. are you sarcastic or? yes, the post you linked are exactly what I said, I asked before new stash space and I said I owuld pay for them. And recently I reconfrimed that in another post. Is not serious or? Do not get you logic… what’s you issue?

Just pointing out that there is an easy way to get five extra stash tabs for free. It’s possible for both serious and non serious players.

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But if you look closer to what I wrote there you will se that I said that I never created a seasonal char and I will never create one cause I hate seasons.

Un-nerf? Did they nerf the maps? I am sorry, i didn’t get what you mean. Is there any sign of nerfing density in certain maps? Cause it is as always. Some times you get lucky with your rng and can spawn a decent floor with decent density, mob types and hopefully a couple of good pylons and other times not so much. At least from where i am standing it doesn’t seem that they touched anything regarding that aspect. If you mean every map should be like festering woors, battlefieds etc with open areas and huge progression value, well, that’s another story. As far as i can tell when you push, you kind of depend on these things that you can’t control. There are good and bad things about that. As far as farming, casual playing, leveling up gems, farming paragons, etc. the map type shouldn’t be a problem cause you will end up doing countless of these rifts anyway and if you will be averaging a good clear time if you do things right.

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Danutz claimed that was the case…

But then a week or so later…

I’ve been regularly doing GR90 speeds, then GRs up to GR125, to get gems up to 125 for augments. I’ve noticed absolutely no difference what-so-ever between the density over the last couple of weeks.

No idea what Stash tabs has to do with that though.

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some people spend their life to watch wath other people is doing…

if anybody notice, devs are playing around witb maps. this was clearly observed few time ago when maps layout was a bit updated. since then I encounter several times efective almost empty long caverns. I play only in party last period and ALL that I played with have the same opinion.
yes, when I said “maps un-berfed” effectively had 7-10 games in a row with decebt-good maps, everybody in the psrty said the same “they fixed the maps”.

MeteorBlade, do you play the game or only comment forum posts?

Your Career Page

  • Lifetime kills - 8,972,515
  • Elite kills - 446,788
  • Paragon level - 3,972

My Career Page

  • Career kills - 21,601,556
  • Elite kills - 938,208
  • Paragon level - 4,156 (softcore), 894 (hardcore), 1,877 (softcore seasonal), 4,279 (amalgamated)

Here’s my solo GR128 from a couple of weeks ago.

So, yes, I do play the game and apparently more than you do.

My comment was made because, during my own play, I have seen absolutely zero evidence of what you’re claiming.

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Some people take this forum more seriously than others. Meteorblade is in the first group.
What I tried to convey/express is that Danutz (if memory serves me well?) mostly use the forum to complain about the game and criticise the company and the developers etc. Since the old forum is gone I couldn’t find some of the blatant examples of that and had to make do with what little is on the new forum.

Therefore I brought up the quotes about stash space:
“gimme more stash space!” - “I’ll not do seasonal sh#t for them!”

MeteorBlade, grift 128 is so week. I did 133, 5 levels above, meaning double damage as you. This explain why you not seen the issue I am talking about…
I play in party of 4 at 135+. to make progress there you need some density. Encounting packs of 10 mobs does not help, not even stop to hit them.
if you do not beleive me do some party games at 130+ and ask team players what is their opinion about density in grifts and about maps layouts.

On a WW/Rend Barb at 1663 paragon?

No, I am not playing barb since long time ago. But most of the classes can do at least 130 now even with low paragon.

I think if they made such a significant change to the game as to change (or “fix”) some maps, they would have included it in the latest patch release notes. They never said anything about changing density and i am pretty sure i have read all their updates for a few seasons now. It could be that just the game decided to generate consecutive crap floors with low density in your case. Caverns are also considered bad maps for that reason. Usually. I have gone up to 128 so there is that too, but the logic is the same whether you do 120 + or 130 +

it is known that as high is the level the density is bigger. 120 had always liwer density that 140.
the fact that they chsnged recently to maps is clear, at a moment the layout changed for somd maps. did you not observed that? everybody I am playing with observed it. when they did that might be even a bug creates much lower density on some maps, hopefully a bug, cause if it was done intentionally then is sad.

But not to be found on the (solo) leaderboards?

Looking at solo seasonal and normal leaderboards says that’s incorrect.

They weren’t top 1000, but they did happen…

Era 13 - GR133, DH, Rank 2084, Paragon 3690
Era 12 - GR127, Monk, Rank 1909, Paragon 3501
Era 11 - GR121, DH, Rank 2743, Paragon 3468

True. He’s on the normal 2020-1 rank 725 with a GR 133.

False to his other claims .

LOL, you are funny guys. do you really think I was lying with something which is easy checkable?
See the Rankings on this site:
on NS Eu I am in Leaderboards with DH, Leaderboards end at 131 and I did 133 in 14:23, around 700+ place when I checked last time.

Do you really think something that’s easily checkable wouldn’t be checked?
Jazz suggested your claim was false without checking properly.
I checked properly and showed that your claim was true.

Not really the same thing, is it?

Ya. Anyway, today I played some games in party and again maps were ok with good density. Hopefully they stop messing around with maps and freeze them in a good state

It is unbelivable how this gane is still played with such big issues no to mention lags in punlic games.
Played those days Warhammer Chaosbane, a very good ARPG with solid gameplay and no issues. Played it with a friend on party and everything was smooth. The only thing that is missing are Leaderboards, records, a kind of competition between players. Anyway, the game is not played even a quarter as D3 and is much newer, up to date graphics…