Maps un-nerfed?

LOL, you are funny guys. do you really think I was lying with something which is easy checkable?
See the Rankings on this site:
on NS Eu I am in Leaderboards with DH, Leaderboards end at 131 and I did 133 in 14:23, around 700+ place when I checked last time.

Do you really think something that’s easily checkable wouldn’t be checked?
Jazz suggested your claim was false without checking properly.
I checked properly and showed that your claim was true.

Not really the same thing, is it?

Ya. Anyway, today I played some games in party and again maps were ok with good density. Hopefully they stop messing around with maps and freeze them in a good state

It is unbelivable how this gane is still played with such big issues no to mention lags in punlic games.
Played those days Warhammer Chaosbane, a very good ARPG with solid gameplay and no issues. Played it with a friend on party and everything was smooth. The only thing that is missing are Leaderboards, records, a kind of competition between players. Anyway, the game is not played even a quarter as D3 and is much newer, up to date graphics…

Meanwhile, reviews…

Most of the reviews there with negative are players with max 10hours of gameplay. At that time you just finish the story and start end-game, which we all know, as played 3000+ of D3, that end-game is important in this kind of games.
Recent reviews are very positive, the game lack on end-game content at release but now is good. Like I said, there is no competition between players, and this is an issue to bring players to play continously.
Believe me, I played since Diablo 1 almost all good ARPGs(Diablo 2, Divine Divinity, NeverWinter Nights, TitanQuest, GrimDawn, POE…), Chaosbane is very good and have very big potential. Anyway do not know if company will still sustain it to add more content and competition.
Better look at professional reviews, e.g. from IGN…

Recent reviews = 35 reviews = mostly positive
Overall reviews = 1913 reviews = mixed

That means 25+ of recent reviews were positive.
That means 950+ of overall reviews were negative.

Sorry, I’d trust the opinion of 950 people a lot more than 25.

You did not understood what I said. At the release the game lacked of content and mostly of reviews were negative. Now the game is good.
Does not matter anyway, my point here was that it is not played. Saty chill, i was not trying to convince you to play it. It was just a comparation with D3

Personally, I enjoyed this…

…which is Overwhelmingly Positive with over 100K reviews.

I will have a look on it. Anyway not to many good ARPGs out there this period. POE might release this year a “new” game, I say “new” because will be just a new Story path to the current end-game.

Grim dawn and titan quest are by far my favourite among those you mentioned. I played the hell out of them. Chaosbane was ok. Not a bad game definitely. Skill tree was interesting and you gotta love the dual wielding berserker dwarf. I wish it had more content. I think the game should be three times the size and content of what it was when i tried it but it was fun nevertheless.

For some reasons I did not play GrimDawn too much. There were some bugs when I tried it, played in party with a friend and PC freeze that need hard reset several times and get pissed of with it.
Chaosbane lack of competition, I would be satisfied with its content now, I am not interested too much in story/campaign but to end-game. At D3 we play grifts, 10-20maps, I do not know how many are, over and over again 2000+ hours :slight_smile: but because of competition…