Player on non-seasonal leaderboard is botting/multi-accounting and I have proof

The current rank 1 holder on the non-seasonal EU Solo Barb leadboard is botting and or multi-accounting so I started to track this players playtime over a week now and spoilers: he’s not legit.

Total Playtime (2019-09-11 ; 22:12): 19.903hrs 14mins
Total Playtime (2019-09-19 ; 00:51): 20.073hrs 11mins
~169 hours in roughly 7 days and 3 hours.

— 2019-09-11 ; 22:12 —
Paragon Lv.: 10.234
Rifts: 193.993 | Bounties: 11.334

  • Barbarian: 5.864hrs 36mins
  • Crusader: 6.738hrs 13mins
  • Demon Hunter: 3.283hrs 1mins
  • Monk: 207hrs 26mins
  • Necro: 525hrs 14mins
  • Witch Doctor: 144hrs 34mins
  • Wizard: 3.141hrs 10mins

— 2019-09-12 ; 21:55 —
Paragon Lv.: 10.244 (+10) - in 1 day
Rifts: 194.251 (+258) - in 1 day| Bounties: 11.334

  • Barbarian: 5.866hrs 16mins (+1hrs 40mins) - in 1 day
  • Crusader: 6.738hrs 13mins
  • Demon Hunter: 3.283hrs 1mins
  • Monk: 207hrs 26mins
  • Necro: 527hrs 6mins (+1hrs 52mins) - in 1 day
  • Witch Doctor: 144hrs 34mins
  • Wizard: 3.160hrs 47mins (+19hrs 37mins) - in 1 day

In a timeframe of 24 hours this person played over 23 hours and keep in mind that character time only goes up when you’re in game and not in the menu.

Fast forward 7 days later:

— 2019-09-19 ; 00:51 —
Paragon Lv.: 10.305 (+ 71) - in 7 days
Rifts: 196.161 (+ 2.168) - in 7 days | Bounties: 11.334

  • Barbarian: 5.867hrs 57mins (+ 3hrs 21mins) - in 7 days
  • Crusader: 6.739hrs 19mins (+ 1hrs 6mins) - in 7 days
  • Demon Hunter: 3.297hrs 29mins (+ 14hrs 28mins) - in 7 days
  • Monk: 207hrs 26mins
  • Necro: 527hrs 6mins (+ 1hrs 52mins) - in 7 days
  • Witch Doctor: 144hrs 34mins
  • Wizard: 3.289hrs 20mins (+ 148hrs 10mins) - in 7 days

This player played ~169 hours in roughly 7 days and 3 hours.
Again. This player played ~169 hours in a timeframe of 171 hours.
(I wrote this at 1AM so please reckon a difference of ± ~1 hour in my calculation)

I want the team behind Diablo 3 or whoever is responsible for keeping the community clean of botters to react and do something! I and all other legit players who loves competing on leaderboards have no chance on reaching the top against some botter with 10k Paragon. And this person is for sure not the only one!


This thread, and your post, will be removed and you’ll get a nice warning for the mods. They have zero tolerance for naming & shaming players sadly. They’ll spend more time harassing and penalising you than actually investigating this turd cheater. This is why botters are openly cheating - they know Blizzard doesn’t care.


THANK you for pointing this out maybe blizz will do something if we keep posting these things.

mail your investigation to Yes this topic will be removed for naming and shaming…

This guy was removed from my CLAN and reported already for botting.


I sent them an email and removed the players name.

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Greetings Mugino,

Thanks for reporting the potential cheating account correctly the second time. As mentioned correctly by mrtheoden, we do close and may penalize posts naming and shaming another player, but we really appreciate that you have changed and edited the post to hide the name. As the report was now properly reported I will close the post and hide it to avoid further issues.

Thanks once again for the report and for trying to make the game a more fair game to everyone! :slight_smile:


it is good to play fair in this game, and to remove players for botting, but I want to say that it is very frustrating to play many days many weeks and many months and never have good looting that I need. i play like 7 years diablo fairly. Hope they find a way as in diablo 2 because with diablo 2 i could have perfect items in 1 year with trading in game. good bless u :wink:

I would really prefer a more open system for trading; at least that you can always trade with friends or something. ^^ does not care about botters.
In the past I sent them links to movies I recorded when I meet botters. No one even downloaded those movies.
That’s the way blizz cares :slight_smile:

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Blizz the bot killer!!! :rofl::rofl::rofl::clap::clap::clap::star_struck::star_struck::star_struck:

So sad… Shame on your rules. Dont shame players, do the same!!!

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yes, I agree. That was why my original post in the thread was so negative. I remember back in s13, on PS4, when 20 odd players in the top 35 were all cheating using save wizard to add 10k paragon…yeah…homerjnick sent a vast amount of proof of the hack to hacks@blizzard and they did NOTHING. ZERO. The LB server on PS4 is accessible by Blizzard, and they could have, and should have reacted and worked with Sony to not only remove them from the LBs, but BAN their PSNs for breaking the terms and conditions of the PSN account. Sony should be go;ing after save wizard too…but $$$$$ are more important it seems…

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Well done Mugino, you got Blizzard to do something by providing them with information to which they already had access too :man_judge:


Its so typical customer support told me the same story after i contacted them that the report forum on their website does not work “Thanks for contacting us we take cheating very serious blablabla”

I also did multiply very detailed reports against botters; with time logs and screenshots. Nothing ever happened with them, neither blizzard ever asked me to prove them with more information.

And then when you read in their latest post… They wanna hear what fans want, have to say and just overall have more open communication in the future. Then i ask myself;

WHY blizzard don’t you let us know why you are not taking any action against botters since 2015???

Is it simply cause you can’t? are ai’s beating you? Well then I am really curious how you gonna handle this problem in your future grinding games for example diablo 4. Cause right now it destroyed Diablo 3 for me and many other players.


So we ask you blizz instead of being all silent and act like you care about “bot reports” let us at least know you can’t do anything with the reports we send you. So we can stop wasting our time collecting you proof and hoping things will change. Then we can at least make peace with it and decide for ourselves if we wanna play a game where bots run free.


2nd this! 20 letters must be in here, quote arent enuff…

Nilliarix - when will Blizzard do something about seasonal cheating on the consoles? The primal reforge exploit is KILLING the game. Players with primals in all slots…

Then there’s players using save wizard to run solo runs with a 2nd person…homerjnick has an excellent video on his channel detailing how this is being done.

Please take the time to make seasonal characters online saves only. It’ll fix a host of issues. And, it’ll allow you to remove the stupid non-random RNG for re-rolling stats at Myriam, upgrading rares and reforging, allowing true randomness, not the pseudo fixed random BS that console players have to currently deal with. It’ll allow group players on consoles to actually share items found with their fellow group players (which PC players can do).

Invest the money into a proper seasonal server.

Whilst you’re at it, record paragon levels and stats like main stat/vitality, etc on players records on the LBs. As it stands, we cannot see what paragon players have when looking at the LBs.

An option for both consoles and PC to export LBs to a spreadsheet etc would be bloody well awesome too, so we can then sort the data and see how we’re going by metrics like paragon points etc…this prolly isn’t an option on the console, but I thought I’d put it in there.

There’s an excellent thread on the US forums/console sub threads about the issues with consoles…take the time to read it and introduce fixes to long standing player complaints. These aren’t idle complaints, these are real issues with the console ports.

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It’s up to console manufacturers to do something about cheating on consoles, not Blizzard. They manage their leaderboards, they wanted local saves, etc.

that is utter BS. Blizzard controls the LBs on consoles and can make changes etc. Please don’t subscribe to the Blizzard mantra of blaming console manufacturers for issues with a game designed and developed by Blizzard. That’s like blaming Mercedes for Ferrari issues…

Other console games have online saves and quite a fair few of them too. The real issue is that Blizzard does NOT want to spend the money to bring online saves to seasonal play on consoles. That’s the real issue.

If Blizzard were to make online saves for seasonal play on consoles, it’d be FAR cleaner than anything on the PC version of the game where botting and turboHUD run rampant.

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