Reason for challenge rifts?

I do not expect any response from dev team (well, dev team is out of order anyway), but just want to ask at least community.

What is reason for challenge rifts?

Well - i get the idea at first - it is about (many) “complaints”, about: High paragon players are not so good, they have just BIG paragons. IF i have same amount of them, i can be as high as they are… OR - they had jsut giant luck in drop, if i had same luck…

So, challenge rifts can show skill of different players with same eq/para/build.

And - even more - some players can find joy to play different builds, which they didnt even think about and maybe they will use them too.

Well - not bad idea at all. Why not.

BUT - what we have almost in 90% of cases (at least in EU region) - some troll builds from players, which just making these to have chance to get into challenge rifts pool.

Best way to get into challenge rift pool with your “so called hero”.

1: Forget about cube - at least do not make any weapon passive here! Its basic rule.
2: Equip some random legendaries, or better, leave some slots empty.
3: Make sure, you are not using any spells, which are supported from equipped legendaries!
4: Make sure, you are not using any movement speed skills, legendaries and paragons! Slower hero = higher chance.
5: Distribute your paragons at worst possibility - for example - if your main dmg spell is primary skill, distribute paragon only in reduced resource cost.
6: Do not use gems in weapons and if you do, use amethyst.
7: Do not use follower and if you do, unequip all items from him and do not use any skill from him.
8: Do not use passive for survivability.
9: Make your hero glass (not glass cannon! - only glass). Every mob must be dangerous and be able to one hit you.
10: Do 10000000 rifts with that setup and maybe you will with some luck make one in time.

Now you are on the best way to be choosen for next week challenge rifts.

To be honest - thse stupid builds are not fun, are not reasonable, are not joy to play. Noone will try them ever, noone will even think about try them ever.

So - basic think about challenge rifts is not fullfiled. If you just select some builds from between top 200 and top 500 from leaderboard, it would be better, than choose stupid troll ones.

Just my point of view.

The developer team never responds in the forums (maybe apart from extremely rare situations). The blog post from when challenge rifts were introduced explains the idea behind them, and also mentions that sometimes the build used will be flawed.
I only do the challenge rift because of the cache and only if it’s an easy one.

It’s funny calling the dev team “out of order” when at the same time blasting away in season with the ethereal theme.

Ok… Did you tried this week DH on EU server CHR? You think, it is good choice for CHR? It really fits to idea of CHR…? OR - let’s say - You think, this is NOT some sort of troll build?

Ok, try this build in game please. Then come back here and tell me, its not troll build. Exzactly - he is not using his strongest spells supported by equip. He have almost 600 paragon, so you want to tell me, that he didnt dropped any weapon to cube…? When he get oneshoted by any mob (even smallest ones), he do not take any passive skill to survive?

Look at his passives… Sharpshooter… One of the most useless passives in game. he have 30% crit chance (not highest ofc, but really need sharpshooter…?)

As you said - same rune in cube and on spell itself - so even 2 slots in cube are not used. In para 600 again…? You believe that this build is real?

Did you look at his legendary gems in eq…???

Did you look at templar’s skills used…?

Nothing in this “so called build” makes sense.

I really wicsh i could watch this player’s profile to see with what he is playing currently.

Not possible… AT LEAST 5-10 GR’s from him - level of legendary gems which he have equipped. And because he have gems, which are not dropping at first ones, he must go for much more GR’s. Your arguments are really do not fit into this case mate.

And again - not using good main dmg spell, not using canais cube well, no weapon for him into canai… I dont believe, sorry.


As well as he went at least once bounties (RoRG).

And - he needed to go at least 8 GR (if he have enough money for always upgrade +1 try on upg gems).

So. When you consider all these things together - you believe, this is the best he could build??

It’s a “crappy” build with bad mobs (juggernauts bosses and impales on 4th - so don’t go that far). No one on my fl did it. Somehow i did it in a public game with 2 random players. After, well, i don’t know how many tries. I still don’t know how someone finished it solo on a first try. You just need to know exact locations of shrines, locations of mobs/champions and theirs affixes. Looks like owner of that build had little help from illegal app :laughing:

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Again - not true at all. Read comment above you. I agree. Not good player will NEVER be able to do this rift. I see, you want very hard to believe, that there is some good reason for this bullsh*t build for EU CHR. But there is not.

I expected exactly this reaction… :smiley: We are in oposition, but you now withdawing from discussion with this comment, because you dont have any other ideas, how to convince me that i am wrong.

Your different views and opinions are… Not good enough to explain why there are these builds. Just try it once more: Explain, in steps, how he get into this state of build/eq and not troll. Because your previous opinions were really just desperate tries to explain it.

I made it step by step, what is 100% unlogical in his build and eq and compared to exact rift. Anything here makes sense. Even Thany, up there in comments thinks, that it is suspicious. Only you think, it 100% correct and good. So - explain. Step by step. Reach at least 10 times GR, reach para 600, get ethereal weapon, make this build with these legendary gems and items and including into canais these items. Let’s go. Explain every item, legendary gem and spell please. I dont really understand it, so please - show me your real view of this great idea to build DH like that.

Back to basics - i think, best idea to change these retarded build to appear in CHR is, choose from builds used on HC. There is much less idiots trying to make nonsense builds and eq just to make troll CHR next week.

Edit: And i forgot he went at least few times bounties too.


You didnt explained all…

1: During these GR/Rifts no single legendary weapon drops to put in into cube…? High chance, isnt it?

2: Your point 7 is… wrong. Sorry - did you even look whichs et he is using and which set is as reward for DH this season…?

3: Chapter II: Part is: Fully equip one of your followers. You really didnt even tried to watch his and his follower’s eq / talents, did you? Or youw ant to tell me, that he fully equipped one of his followers, then he completelly unsuit him just to have… what… harder life?

4: So he get full set (different than from season journey) during these GR from higher player, but NO SINGLE good weapon to cube… AGAIN???

5: Gems in eq: Bane of powerful - 1st drop gem. lvl 22. If he dont have enough money (which he will not have, because he was leveled up by another player very fast), he needed at least 6 GR for that.

2nd: Zeis stone - lvl 7. Combined with BoP he needed at least 8 GR’s. During these 8 gr no better gem dropped, than toxin.

6: During these 8 GR he get some ancient parts of full set he droppped, no single ramaladni’s gift to make socket in ethereal weapon (it can happen ofc), but no materials to make socket into his second weapon. But have enough material to reroll secondary on his cloak. During these very few GR he get enough green gems to make 5 of the second highest (at least 30 of marquise ones).

7: Then he do not use his cube, not using his best spell according to his blue weapon, use one of the worst (if not the worst) passives in game, and hurray into some solo GR.

You agree…?

Edit: And i forgot - combined number of his legendary gems on his eq is 29. Why is that? If he get power boosted by some player, it should be x4 count, but…

I’d say they’re not worth all the trouble just to see your name in a top spot in the challenge rift ranks, especially considering how bad most of the builds are. Even for vanity’s sake that’s just one week of “glory” and no one really cares. For me it’s just the 15 materials that you get. Now, that’s not a lot but during the first days of a new season, it can be of great help. I usually don’t spend more than two tries. And if the build is completely nonsensical and doesn’t function, I’d rather do a full public bounty run in torment 16 with my own character to get 22 materials in the same time.

I remember during my early days of diablo when I had no clue about the game that every time I saw a good build I would try it myself afterwards. Basically, challenge rifts served like a demonstration for some builds and classes that I was completely unaware of and it was nice. That’s why I wish the algorithm (or whatever it is that chooses challenge rifts) would actually pick an actual build every week, one that is fully equipped and cubed instead of “throw 13 random items and 6 random skills” most of the time. For example, a Barbarian player who is relatively new to the game could play a necromancer challenge rift build, and say, hey you know what? That seems like a nice and fun build to play, so maybe I will try it at some point myself.

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I did, even had 3 seconds to spare. :stuck_out_tongue:

I agree man! 100%. Especially with the second part. And it was my question from first post - what are these CHR for. Exactly like you - i thought, that it will show players different classes, different builds.

I played 99% wizard for example (others just for set dungeons). So trying new classes was interesting.

Example Barbarian from your post would see this week DH and think about stupidity of this class - will never play this piece of …

And this was my post about. Not about rewards, because i can finish maybe all 5 act bounties faster, than finishing CHR, but it was about basic idea of CHR.

That’s a good point, using CRs as showcases for other good builds.
As I said I only do them if they’re easy just to get the runes fast (if I’m into some serious reforging I do split bounties of course), or at the start of a new season. I also always watch Raxxanterax’ weekly guide so that I don’t have to “waste” time figuring it out myself. I remember one time he warned people not to do the challenge rift because it was crazy difficult - and if you did complete it in time you should reward yourself with a pizza.

If I want challenge I can get more than enough trying to improve my personal bests for my two seasonal heroes.

Oh it can get a lot worse that this. Remember 3-4 weeks ago the witch doctor challenge rift? That player had no full set bonuses neither legacy of dreams and they did no damage whatsoever. It’s been many years since I’ve seen such a bad build. Come to think about it, lately we’ve seen many bad or random choices. The current challenge rift by the way is doable of you memorize the exact location of mobs and pylons. Nevertheless, it’s something I am not looking forward to try again :slight_smile:

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I pointed out exactly this a the witch doctor debacle and some just said why am I complaining, should just let players play as they want.

That WD build would get killed by 2 hits from a spiderling, imagine a spiderling.
I have never done any GR where a spiderling could kill me because that just means you will die 24/7.

With these weak ass builds if you get any map with a lot of ranged or mobs jumping you.
You would die every 2 seconds.

I’d like to see a stop to pulling CR clears from non HC clears.
Would instantly fix this problem.

About the time, I don’t believe the clear times. I’m pretty sure the clear times are randomly set by blizzard.

Because a bad build like this going in blind would never clear in this time and other CR you clear even not doing great 3 minutes less then CR time is set like the captain america crusader build.