S19 seasonal buff thread on US forums

For those interested and who don’t check the US forums:

homer has pretty much nailed the s19 theme idiocy from Blizzard. The them is broken on consoles.

  1. NG mechanic and “double damage” and kill streaks

  2. consoles already lag and rubber band like hell, even on solo games, imagine how they’re gonna act with all this s19 theme crap running behind the scenes and on screen…it’s gonna be a nightmare and will make playing D3 on consoles near impossible.

I mean, this is the team that couldn’t give consoles more stash space because for some retarded reason, each players stashes “see each other” and make the game unplayable if they were to increase stash space…I’m curious at how PoE devs could get stashes with 1000+ items and not have any issues…