Season 28 WHEEEEEN?

Season 28 when? any INFORMATIONS?

When Blizzard give us some news, not before.


Logic, please use it.

None of us knows S28 until Blizzard explicitly tells us. Keep an eye on the official website and your launcher.

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February. At the earliest.

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Well, it’s been a month that the sites play to know when, possibly, will arrive the season 28, let’s see, the current event “Sanctuary freezes… parties” will be there until February 5, 2023, they launch “The dark age of Tristam” on January 4, 2023 and it will last until February 1, let’s put 4 and remember 12: end of season 27 for me it will be February 5, which will be a Sunday and Diablo seasons always ending on a Sunday, potentially season 28 will begin, at best on Friday, February 10, at worst on February 17, and it’s a safe bet that it will go until the beginning of June :wink:
Diablo IV : 06/06/2023
Thank you Professor Doog :innocent: :disguised_face: :rofl:


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Hello Blizzard! My name is… c’mon I’m kidding. Of course you know me. I am one of the 10 remaining legit players in Diablo 3. I come to you with a groundbreaking theory that could change everything.
What if… legit players had a chance to compete in Diablo 3? Legit player is a player who doesn’t use bot, doesn’t account share and doesn’t use THUD in case you forgot (or never knew) what a legit player actually is. Now i know, i sound INSANE saying things like this but hear me out. I’m just making a wild thought expirement. Imagine if you could create an environment that promotes legit play and condemn cheaters. A game that revolves around legit players.
Again, I understand that I sound mentally deranged for proposing this unconventional bizarre theory. I am aware that this sounds strange to say the least to you, because you never tried something remotely close to that for at least 8 years now. I am coming here with no delusions. I know you adore cheaters. We get it, we all get it that you love them. But if you implement my freakishly wacko retarded theory, us sub-human peasants (legit players) can finally play your game.
Lastly, even though I knew that I expose myself to a huge risk by insulting your beloved cheaters, I still found the courage to deliver this garbage theory straight to you guys! Blizzard! I (as a trash subhuman legit player) want a favor from you to not ban me for insinuating that cheaters are not literal GODS that make your game great. I don’t want to get banned because i finally managed to reach the Solo Leaderboards and 2 Player Leaderboards with my brother (another outlier who doesn’t cheat) and we are looking very cute :blush: with our 2k and 3k paragons​:blush: <3.


1 of the 10 legit players remaining
a piece of putrid shit who doesn’t cheat

Good thing.
How do you feel about ‘How to Fix Diablo 3’ from Raxxanterax.

I’ve seen it. Also in a long thread on the is forum. A big list of suggestions was sent to the developers. It will be interesting to see what changes, if any, are made to the basic game in the next patch. It should be seen when we soon get the PTR patch notes.

The preview is here.