Set deungeon bug ? keep ending before finishing

im doing the sunwoku set dungeon and trying to master it, almost doing it but every time i get a message as if its over. i keep sweeping wind auto on, the timer is only at 3 minutes and i did not took fatal damage or any other lose conditions.

whats going on ? why do i get dungeon complete window ? i still got mobs to kill !

weirdly, after wearing Kyoshiro’s Soul, the bug didnt happen. maybe its just luck.

I don’t know that set dungeon. Some of them can be tricky because little things you may not notice can make you fail.
There are guides.

They may not always offer all or the best solutions to mastering the dungeons. I would also advise you to look at youtube (search something like: diablo 3 sunwuko set dungeon) for inspiration.

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of course you do. its the monkey king thingy.

Whatever works best. :+1: