So today 3 wizards kicked me out w/o gear-check

At the risk of repeating myself, if they wanted a support monk, it’s completely irrelevant how well geared your DH is because it’s not a support monk. The reason you shouldn’t be upset is because I bet they’d have accepted you if you’d been on a support monk, i.e. it’s to do with which hero you’re playing, not because of the person playing it.


All I hear is whine whine whine meta this and meta that. If they want to play meta with a sup-monk they can write in metagroup chat. If they was already in public I am not the ones getting kicked if we are doing the elitist meta-thing were half of the classes gets forgotten.

I can train a monkey to follow a barbarian so u know.

And since u guys dont understand. There is no chat for non-meta pushers! It is called public games btw!

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I concur. This thread’s sole purpose is for you to complain that three random players in a public group didn’t want to play with you because you were using a class / build other than the one they wanted.

So, here’s a simple solution. Start a private game. Then open it up to public and just accept the first three players that join, rather than giving the three wizards that want a monk a hard time.


No this thread is about meta and the rights of pub games. Do you even know what a red line is?

Three wizards aint meta. Still, they didn’t want a DH as a fourth member. Anyone with an IQ above 90 would understand and accept that.
I know what a red herring is.

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The rights of the many outweigh the rights of the few. In other words, if three people in a party agree that they don’t want you to be the fourth, they’re perfectly at liberty to do so.


DId the CEO of DIablo Blizzard say that? Or was it Jay Wilson constitution?

You have a right to decide who you play with. So does everyone else. If 75% of a group decide they don’t want to play with you, then accept that you’re unwanted and make your own group(s) rather than whining in the forums that you don’t think people should be allowed to group with who they want to.

It’s called democracy and complaining that you didn’t get what you want, when what you want isn’t what the majority want, is futile.


double and 20 long imo

If it takes at least 50% of the team to accept the vote, yes.

I see you’re so strong in your convictions that after I quoted and replied to your post, you went back and retro-edited it to completely remove the original text that I replied to. Bravo.


And bravo you too mister red line. What do you want to discuss without changing the subject?
This is what I am going to write “NO ONE CARES!” on your next off topic reply

You might wish to alter your wording there. I am fairly confident some of the words you used are not appropriate in good company.

Life can be full of rejections you just have to learn to surf the waves bub. The voting system as it is atm is not prefect but it is better than having to wait 3 minutes prior to kicking someone from a game. Would be good if all T16 games could not open a grift below 120 that way the sever would not be as busy and noobs would not join as often especially if you had to clear a 120 grift before joining a public T16 game coupled to it only opening G120 minimum would be good for play experience!
Until avatars are reworked most dd and bk will need support in team games accept this and move on!

These are not the droids you are looking for, move along.


I am always looking forward for a 120 game w/o support monk so what difficulty should I choose?

Knowing you, you are better of doing a 70, much less frustrating…

I like it, you made my day Apsie. Im freaking smiling so bad… it’s like a scenario of a kid who wants chocolate ice cream but the ice cream man only has vanila, but the kid keep asking for chocolate.

Good god… hehehe

I have better suggestion. Lets kick Blizzard out of our life. It is 3rd grade company.

and that is exactly why group play is broken in D3.

The easy fix is to remove the ability to vote kick. It’s a terrible mechanic and is not in the spirt of playing in a group.

Group play in D3 is a truly horrid experience, the ONLY reason why so many people do put up with it is because Blizzard has artificially enabled group play to get far more rewards than solo play, even though solo player requires more effort on the player’s part.

Group play should encourage social activity, not meta farming…until Blizzard understands this, Diablo 3 group play will continue to be a truly horrid experience.