Stash Tabs - Who is willingly to pay real money for Extra Stash Tabs, how much

Hello Hero’s of D3,
There is no goodies for free in this life. I’m sure Blizzard could invest time and resources to overcome any obstacles for making a reality new stash tabs.
Since is a “support” topic and does not affect gameplay I see no point why we could not pay real money for an extra room for gear choices.
I Hope Blizzard staff see this topic and you guys take time to answer focused on this topic only.
I would pay personally 2.5$ only per stash tab or 4$ if tabs have even more room then now. I would totally invest 12$ only for 3 extra bigger stash tabs. This is almost an amount for an entire DLC. This price however, is good when I’m not again limited to how many I can buy. If I’m limited again, 1.5$ only per stash tab.

How much you D3 players or future D4 players are willingly to pay for extra stash tabs?

Thanks to you all in advance,
See you in Hell of Diablo

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I distinctly recall a Blizzard guy on stage at a Blizzcon saying this once…

Everyone wants more stash space, but if we give you more you’ll want more, and more and more and eventually all the internet is yours

A few seasons ago, they announced the intention to give a 5 more stash tabs. This was eventually rolled back to just one additional tab, and they gave lots of technical reasons as to why, because of the game’s fundamental design, they couldn’t ever give more.

No matter how many people would be willing the spend a couple of dollars / euros, they’re just not going to go back and re-design / re-code fundamental parts of an eight year old game.

As for Diablo IV, if the game’s Buy-To-Play, then there should be enough Stash space. There’s no way there should be microtransactions in a full-price game. That sort of thing is for Free-To-Play games monetisation.


Hy Meteor,
Thanks for deep insight. I’m a programmer too.
For a game magnitude like Diablo I can only guess it’s roots deepness of programing. If this improvement can be done only by altering a core part of game that will interfere with a lot other branches in it’s design than for sure the effort will be too great. Does not worth. Nevertheless I don’t get how did they missed this kind of future development since this game is loot and storyline driven to get much as you can from your character development.

Regarding Full game pay vs free to play. The game is still full, that is some extra for those who want even more room to play around with the loot. Is not something that will make your character stronger then others. Is just a item deposit thing. At one particular time you can use only a set of those.
Just my opinion, for sure Blizzard Staff have and already did a lot of thinking and brainstorming on stashing system.

Thanks for input

It’s possible to extend your stashes by doing seasonal journeys up to conqueror. I believe you can max it after 4-5 seasons. Yeah at this point pretty much no one expects extra stash by blizz. They tried it before and it didn’t work. It almost broke the game. Even though I don’t have anything against extra space, ( on the contrary I would welcome it especially during my earlier seasons) I believe that, with some careful filtering of items and collecting only those that are very good in terms of stats, the stash as it is right now is adequate.

I asked that long time ago. I will pay 10$ for a decent number of extra stash tabs.
and no, I will not do seasonal shit for them(never created a seasonal char btw)

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That blizzard statement just shows how far from reality the company really is.

Yes, they tried to do this before on PTR, and recieved no negative complaints from the playerbase. Blizzard made it an issue by filling the stash of all 4 characters with amulets/rings, and the amulets/rings filled with gems. Then the game would crash, because the game loads the stash for all 4 players when playing (which is some of the worst game design I’ve ever seen).

Having your stash filled with amulets/rings/gems is an unrealistic approach, and I seriously doubt any in-game player will ever do this. So, having more stash space is entirely possible.

It never came close to breaking the game. A crash, yes, but no breaking.

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I am sw dev and I can not understand how how more stash space can break the game.
How much memory you need for storing an item? it has a name = 64chars(bytes) + a type = max 2 bytes can store all items types + (6 properties + 1 leg prop) x max 2 bytes its value + 2 bytes for colour/transmog = 82 bytes, let’s say 100 × 1000 amulets(how many can have in stash? no more than 1000 right?) + 1000×3bytes/gem(enough yo store gem properties and type) = 103000 bytes = lets say 150kbytes. LOL, at a speed on internet of 2Mb/s(I have 500Mb/s…) it would take less than a second to load all data.
Do you know what I mean?

I tell you what the problem is, D3 servers are re-used servers from Diablo 1, yes 1, because in D2 you can have 8 players in party and there was no lag. In D3 with 4 players you have lag. For those servers yes, 150kbytes is big memory…

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It’s not about storage. The issue is that the content of the entire stash has to be synchronized with all players in the same session and that causes problems. 13 tabs is pretty much the upper limit the engine can handle properly. With 4 players that’s 52 tabs of stuff to be handled by all players.

Keep in mind that console players have even heavier limitations. Their stash has 350 item slots in total which equals only 10 tabs on PC.

Why does the entire stash content need to be synced with the other players? Good question, no one has a proper answer. My guess is that it is a leftover feature from the AH days and removing it would require rewriting a lot of things.

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52tabs x (70slots/tab + 70 gem/slot if amulets/rigns) × 150 bytes / slot = ~1MB of data. 100Mbps internet connection provide 12.5MB/s transfer. Do they need to resync all those tabs more than once per second?

The item data from all stashes need to be loaded in to the RAM of each player. Due to the age and design of D3, there’s a limit of how much the engine can handle.

I’m no software designer, all my knowledge about this is based on the very vague info Blizzard has provided.

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So you do understand? (Whether what you say is true or not).
What I don’t understand is why such a skilled person like you haven’t acquired five extra stash tabs, by playing season, a long time ago?

Because I do not have time and I do not like to play seasons, is that ok for you? I never even created s seasonal char.

Yes, that is clear, the problem is D3 servers, but Blizzard always try to hide that in details. I just demonstrated there that the memory needed is low.

Meanwhile in the most well known Diablo 3 alternative you have virtually unlimited stash tabs, there I have around 50x more inventory space than in Diablo3. Yes you have to pay for the extra inventory space but no one really cares, it’s a quality of life thing.

I believe it’s only fair they should give 10 extra stash tabs free for loyal players who started in 2014 (like me)

Separate issue, but until recently I used to play on the 32 bit rate as latency was always better and disconnections less frequent. Now, error 1016 occurs regularly with 32, but not 64, and the inventory and stash take a very long time to load, but again, not on bit 64, although this is a recent “bug”/fault that never affected gameplay prior

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maybe its not possible but i´d pay for it if it was.