[Suggestion] new game mode where you can choose a season

Hi there,

would be great to have a new Feature where you can play older seasons aswell.
I missed alot of them and i liked some of them very much. It feels sad, that you cannot play the seasons you liked the most anymore.

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Just ask someone to make a time travel machine.

yeah yeah, these kind of responses are the reason why we won’t get features this way.

My response was a subtle way of saying that getting what you wish has the same likelyhood as wishing for a time machine.

well i suggest blizzard should go all out with gold runs mode exclusively made for meteorblade. Well if this is contest in stupidity , than i want mode in which one is supposed to just stay in game and move mouse without doing anything so that means no rifts , grifts , gold runs, bounty hunts, absolutely nothing just stay in game and do nothing except move mouse cursor so game don’t kick u for inactivity. Did I win the contest of stupidity ?

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