The Ultimate Forum Guide (Codes, Trust Levels, FAQ)

Thank you Mirasol! :slight_smile: The website is getting clicked in Europe on a daily basis, would love to see it getting love from the US as well. Please always try to use the link as that helps me to retrieve info from where the clicks come from (and it’s easier to remember too in my opinion). :wink:

Thank you for reporting this. I’ll get this fixed in the next update! :slight_smile:


Thanks, Pachimari.

I had bookmarked the page to the US Forums containing this info, but having it here on the EU forum is better, as I’m more likely to be here than there.

Just one question - Is there a way to be notified via email about replies to watch threads or posts? Just curious… :thinking:

Not that I’ve seen but, depending on your browser, in your Preferences’ Notifications section allows you to get live in-browser notifications.

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Great! thank you :nerd_face::+1:

And what would it take to bring back the hardcore section to EU forum?
According to my knowledge, EU holds the highest hardcore population.

The green highlight on the green text is horrible.

Hello Pachimari:

Spent some time fooling around on the forums today… I now have a profile on:

  • NA English, Spanish and Portuguese;
  • Europe English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Polish and Russian;
  • Taiwan; and
  • Korea.

That gave me the opportunity to test your website for the display of Trust Level for Diablo III (sorry, I do not own other Blizzard games… but hopefully, you can extrapolate) in languages other than English and French.

The website generate a “Unknown error” for French, Spanish (both NA and Europe) and Polish… it works for the other languages in NA and Europe.

My guess is that you’re looking for specific variable values… the problem is that, for unknown reason, Blizzard has decided to translate those values for the 3 languages that don’t work.

So, when it works, the JSON file will contrain :

  • “id”:10,
  • “automatic”:true,
  • “name”:“trust_level_0”,
  • “display_name”:“trust_level_0”,

In French, as you already know, the file contains :

  • “id”:10,
  • “automatic”:true,
  • “name”:“niveau_confiance_0”,
  • “display_name”:“niveau_confiance_0”,

In Spanish (both EU and NA), the file contains :

  • “id”:10,
  • “automatic”:true,
  • “name”:“nivel_de_confianza_0”,
  • “display_name”:“nivel_de_confianza_0”,

In Polish, the file contains :

  • “id”:10,
  • “automatic”:true,
  • “name”:“poziom_zaufania_0”,
  • “display_name”:“poziom_zaufania_0”,

For what it’s worth… the website would also likely work for Taiwan since its JSON files uses trust_level_0 but would likely not work in Korea; the JSON file in Korea reads:

  • “id”:10,
  • “automatic”:true,
  • “name”:“회원_등급_0”,
  • “display_name”:“회원_등급_0”,

회원 등급 0, meaning “Membership level 0” according to Google Translate.

There you go… sorry for the extra work this will likely mean… but I thought you’d like to know now rather than find out about it later when your website catches on. :smile:


Thank you, this will be fixed the next time I update the website. :slight_smile:


It’s day 15 of the new forums and I’m now Trust Level 2. So, that means I should be able to create links to trusted websites. Well, apparently, the domain isn’t a trusted website as I’m not allowed to make this link, to the Blizzard-hosted profile website, clickable…
Is there a published list anywhere of which domains they consider trustworthy at TL2?

Yes, me too.
Same TL2 and got Sorry, you can't include links in your posts.
I have already tried logout and login.


Supplement: the URL of Taiwan and Korea as follows:

Even the language of TW is ZH (Chinese), the JSON still use English, e.g. “trust_level_1”.
For KR, it does use Korean language as Boubou said.

Is it only trust level 3 that is subject to decay, or can this happen at trust level 2 as well?

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Good question, i had not considered this yet.



Get to trust level 2 by…

  • Visiting at least 15 days, not sequentially
  • Casting at least 1 like
  • Receiving at least 1 like
  • Replying to at least 3 different topics
  • Entering at least 20 topics
  • Reading at least 100 posts
  • Spend a total of 60 minutes reading posts

There are no time-gated requirements listed so logically, TL 2 will stay permanent. Unless perhaps visiting 15 days non-sequentially is required each month or year. Or do all the requirements listed after the first need to be met every 15 days? I hope not, it would be great for TL 2 to stay active in-between downtime from visiting the forums.


Update! I rewrote the whole website and this should now be fixed. I’ll try and support Korean/Taiwan in the next update. :slight_smile:


Confirmed - thank you.

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Hello Pachimari: Happy New Year.

Not sure what is going on, but the Trust Level web tool is “broken”… it now returns “Unknown error” for trust level. Not sure when it all started…

Is this something you have time to look into ?

Edit : this happens for both NA and Europe regions, and all languages supported by each region.

Perhaps it’s linked to when Blizzard upgraded the forum software. Could have altered the API calls, I guess.

Could be…

Wait and see I suppose…

Happy New Year 2020 !! :slight_smile:

Happy new year! Thank you for bringing this to my attention, I am currently looking into this.

Not sure yet what causes this though; my guess is that the layout of the JSON file was altered, which is potentially preventing the tool from fetching the info correctly.

Will provide updates as soon as I know more!

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This doesn’t look good… launching the Trust Level Checker tool now displays:

(17 Jan 2020) The tool is currently not working due to changes in Blizzard’s forum architecture.
I do not have an ETA if and when the tool will be back up again since I lack the neccessary info in order to fix it.
It would be highly appreciated if a Blizzard admin could contact me using the contact link below. Thanks!