Claiming Battle Pass rewards

Coming here to see if others have been having the same issue.
I’m on the premium battle pass, currently at Tier 35. However I’ve been unable to actually claim reward 33, the Coldiron Greaves.
Meanwhile tiers 34 and 35 are claimed without any issue.

I have the same issue, battle pass says that level 33 reward is claimed, but no Coldiron Greaves available in wardrobe. Quite frustrating.

I have this for Rank 10 reward and I’m at 19 now with everything else claimed

Oh at least for you they’re claimed.
I can’t even claim them. The checkmark won’t pop when I click on them and instead just redirects me to their appearances.

I picked those up about 5-6 hours ago give or take… they don’t look too shabby, so yeah i received them… its possible that with the amount of people on the server and current issues ongoing with not just the login having issues that you may receive them later… i have had games do this in the past, usually down to mass congestion server side which causes a database issue.

Seems a bit questionable when I’ve been able to get everything else. Except this.

If you have been able to get everything else except this then i take it your progression milestone is much much later tier end? if so then perhaps it is an issue server side, otherwise i wouldn’t of received them either, and yet i did.

Currently I’m at Tier 40. I’ve just been able to receive the helmet.
Everything prior to this I’ve also been able to get, of course without the Ashes because they’re level tied. Everything except for the boots.

Yeah the ashes are kind of a pain… i really do want to just accept them even if i cannot use them yet given that they have a specific level requirement, i just do not like seeing something that is un-claimed on my list… feels unfinished and that annoys me… lol.

I’m Tier 39 right now… hmm, its odd how many are able to get some and yet not others… the only thing i can chalk it up too is the server and perhaps congestion with the database because logically it makes no sense how we can all receive different, sometimes yes and sometimes no… the circumstances are literal milestone’s as we progress, so naturally we should all get the same.

The fact that we dont suggests to me at least that there’s some sort of communication issue between the client/server.

Maybe the upcoming hotfix will resolve the issue. Until then, just playing the waiting game, I suppose.

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Perhaps… only time will tell… sooner or later time will tell… Quote from westwood studio’s red alert Einstein"

That game had some real class… Until EA destroyed it… like they do with every title it seems.

@Cydra I have exactly the same problem. Cannot claim the Coldiron Greaves and I am way passed Tiier 33 on the premium and accelerated battle pass.
Is it going to be fixed anytime soon??

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