Diablo 4 crashes constantly


I’ve been playing for the last 5 days or so, but I can’t seem to get more than 15 minutes without a crash. I´ve tried multiple “solutions” posted here and elsewhere, but nothing really fixes it.

I usually can get more minutes without a crash using Medium presets, despite my setup allowing for much better configuration.
I’ve received all kinds of error messages, but this one is the most frequent:

Diablo IV has run out of memory and the application needs to exit. This is possibly caused be using graphics settings exceeding your machine capabilities.

This smells like memory leak, it’s just not reasonable.

On the rare occasions the game didn’t crash on me, I was able to play on very high graphic presets and 80+ FPS.

I’ve already tried:

  • Reinstalling & repairing the game;
  • Reinstalling GPU drivers
  • Updating BIOS
  • All sorts of combinations of graphic settings in game
  • Uninstall High Resolution Assets
  • Manually setting “DisableChromaEffects” to 1 at LocalPrefs (found on youtube, this helped more than the rest, but the problem is still there)

AMD Ryzen 5 3600 6-Core Processor 3.59 GHz, driver v23.5.2
Installed RAM 16,0 GB
Windows 11 Pro 22H2 OS compilation 22621.1848
Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.22642.1000.0
Diablo 4 patch

So, what’s up? When will this be addressed?


Greetings denial, sorry about the issue!

Some of these cases that we came across were having external causes like security softwares like BitDefender or having Virtual Memory activated on an almost full disk.

Check for any of these, if you have a security software try to temporarily uninstall it (you can eventually reinstall it afterwards) and see if there’s any improvement.

Looking over the crash report that you sent in, it does appear to be related to running out of memory, however we’re not currently aware of any issues with memory usage. In the interest of troubleshooting, it’d be worth seeing what behaviour happens if no other background programs are running:

Should the issues persist, it’d be good to know if you have a DOCP profile active on your system’s RAM, and what impact, if any, running at stock speeds has.

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Thank you for the quick response.

I’ve deleted one suspicious software (home banking security tool), and killed most other processes to leave as much memory as possible to the game. Also checked the virtual memory and I only have 512MB allocated.

Turns out I did manage to play for a longer time. It took 1h to crash in one attempt, and didn’t crash unprovoked in the other.

As mentioned, I am running on Medium presets.
However, as soon as I up the textures to High, my game crashes within the next few minutes. This is very easy to replicate in my system.

Edit. As to Galcavon’s post, I am not sure exaclty what “DOCP profile” means, sorry. But I am not using any kind of overclock, only nominal speeds

OP - DOCP is memory tuning on AMD systems (also called EXPO depending on what year your Motherboard was made), it tells the motherboard what your RAM speeds should be based on the specs the RAM had when purchased. This tuning can be turned off in the BIOS.

Like the OP, I am having freezing issues that lean towards memory being the culprit as are tons of other people out there that have been posting online and submitting tickets. I was starting to assume my memory was going bad so I did some testing; moved to lower resolution textures (which lets me game longer but still freezes after some time), swapped to some older RAM, turned off any overclocking/tuning on the RAM, lowering temps with direct fans/etc (even though my temps are superb).

For some assistance, my issues and other reported, started on release/server slam because the game worked for me and all of them during the Early Access just fine.

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Also running into this. Have been playing with no issues for the last couple weeks and finished the campaign last night. As of this morning I can’t even get out out of Kyovashad without crashing. No changes on my machine.

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I’ve made some interesting observations:

  • With presets on Medium, I can play for ±1h without an out of memory crash
  • If I leave all presets on medium but upgrade Textures do High, it crashes in less than 2 minutes
  • When I upped the preset to High but downgraded textures to medium, I was also able to play for ±1h without a crash
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Im having the same problem…

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This problem very much still persist.

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What GPU & how much VRAM does it have? I have 64GB of RAM in my system but see D4 application usage for it average around the 19-20GB usage. 16GB is the minimum (without going & checking) I believe, so some pagefile usage may be being experienced especially if not a lot of VRAM to go with it & having too much eye candy enabled in the Graphics settings. My 12GB 3080ti instantly is at 10GB average on loading the game up playing 5120x1440 resolution, but I would expect any game to use as much VRAM as it can to preload textures etc.

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Same her ah d no issues till few days ago… no constant rashes usualy after teleporting ot whens witchign zones

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The Early Access was just fine for me, no crashes or noticeable issues but after the first few updates I also started crashing. Have been lagging when going in/out of town through TP/WP, all the time, but it’s gotten worse since the updates.

I have a pretty nice system and it runs every game on the market in 5120x1440 without struggle really, but new releases are always so poorly optimized that issues such as this, are almost always present for the first 6 months or more because developers are pushed to release at a certain time in order for the management to satisfy investors.
That’s the explanation for rushed releases that has a multitude of performance, stability and compability issues.

Blizzard says here in a blue post that there are no known memory issues with the game but that’s not what many, many, many players have been reporting.
I crashed once with the Error Message “You have run out of virtual memory, this could be due to using higher quality settings than your system can handle” or something along those lines.
Well, that’s nonsense.
I have a 9900K with a 3080, 32GB RAM and 10,5TB of rapid NVMe and SSD storage, powered by a 1200W Platinum PSU. There’s nothing in gaming way this rig can’t handle,so what on earth is Blizzard talking about “no memory issues” when you literally tell me I have run out of +16GB of accessible RAM + 16GB of pagefile.sys on the C: drive to make use of and an additional 10GB of Virtual RAM on the GPU, to make use of.

Granted, not all assets can be combined for a giant pool of accessible memory, to my understanding at least, but this is blatant proof that there is something wrong with the memory optimization in the game. This is not an issue on our systems, it’s an issue in the game code.

Blizzard, please stop lying to us. We know you really need to save face here now but be honest with us. Just once. Try it and see if you can achieve a different result than you normally do. Because we all know, you need a saving hand right now and there’s surely been many thinking Diablo 4 would be that precious redemption - but things are falling apart quickly right now, is it not?
Read the room, take in the social queues from your audience, listen to us.
If you want to stay afloat in these times where we see unprecedented market loss for corporations trying to wage psychological warfare and perform social engineering on their customers; you will have to try a different approach than what you have before.

How about trying to please your customers this time?
I remember being a child in the 90’s, playing the Warcraft and Starcraft series. Those were good times. Because you cared about your creations and your customers. Your products had life, soul and character. They were made with care and passion. Not to please greedy and impatient, careless investors. We know you are slaves to the ESG score and we’ve given you quite a few chances to navigate this murky marsh to find your own path again. But you just don’t care, do you? Imagine if you did.


At first I thought you were having the same issue I am having on a daily basis multiple times. I would not have expected your specs to have any kind of issue with this game.
My admittedly potato of a PC (ordered new one, just got to wait a month for it to arrive) has this weird issue where the game just freezes the screen image. I dont know WHY this happens, the game still functions in the “background” as in if I press ESC I can hear the menu opening and closing. The only way to fix this is to force shut down the game and start it again. This is EXTREMELY frustrating when trying to run Nightmare sigil dungeons. I lose my dungeon every time it happens and this happens all the time, when ever I open inventory, skills, paragons, shops, no matter what; anything can trigger it. Absolutely no indication when it happens or errors or anything telling me why this happens. Im pretty sure its just because my old PC cant run the data it has to fast enough and the game jerks off itself to death.

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Try my settings, it hasn’t crashed since I made the update: DX12 Fenris error - #34 by OhMyGod-21230

AMD as well, had been working fine. Lost a 74 hardcore to a crash last night, 50 to a second crash today. Not really playable right now.

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I once had problem that application run out of memory and … I was able to play anyway! Popup was on top of the screen (the one with memory text). When I clicked ‘x’ to close popu application closed immiedietly.

I really WONDER if this is the case with Diablo 4 application, or with new Battle net client! In system event log I see that battle net failed, not diablo.

So they might be right about it, that Diablo don’t have mem leak, but bnet client migh have!

And usally when this happens, I see that plugins for browser failed (chrome browser) when in fact I don’t have browser running in background! Maybe bnet client uses some chrome engine in it’s guts so this might be reason for crashes???

Latest application error from event log concerning bnet client (polish os):

Nazwa aplikacji powodującej błąd: Battle.net.exe, wersja:, sygnatura czasowa: 0x6488eeaf
Nazwa modułu powodującego błąd: KERNELBASE.dll, wersja: 10.0.19041.3086, sygnatura czasowa: 0xccf81cdd
Kod wyjątku: 0xe0000008
Przesunięcie błędu: 0x0013d8a2
Identyfikator procesu powodującego błąd: 0x493c
Godzina uruchomienia aplikacji powodującej błąd: 0x01d9a79a82eb27c4
Ścieżka aplikacji powodującej błąd: C:\Program Files (x86)\Battle.net\Battle.net.exe
Ścieżka modułu powodującego błąd: C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNELBASE.dll
Identyfikator raportu: 33febb9a-618b-4a40-8a88-4143e4669ad9
Pełna nazwa pakietu powodującego błąd:
Identyfikator aplikacji względem pakietu powodującego błąd:

who will tell me what the reason is for a week I can’t log in to diablo 4 with a window error

Ok putting graphics to medium solved it for me… although had no issue with hight till now

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