Diablo IV Coming to Steam on October 17!

Diablo IV Coming to Steam on October 17!

On October 17, the might of the Burning Hells unleashes on a new stage—Steam. Learn how you can slay demons on this new platform.

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What about people who already have a D4 license? Can they link the Steam and Battle.Net accounts as well, to use Steam features? Or would they have to pay for a 2nd license via Steam? In latter case, what about purchasing a standard Steam license when already owning a premium D4 license?


Hope you realize that D4 will fall same as OW2 on steam.


People for sure will review on steam with love that you already showed to players with first season.


Will boycot Activision Blizzard and Microsoft games until Diablo IV and other games are transferable to steam as they come out, if you think you can charge me double just for wanting it on steam think again i already own the game, do not drag me thru the mud just cos i am early adopter, this is just scummy.

Its obvious this is to avoid review bomb that gonna happen well bad news, on metacritic your score is already awful nothing will change.

Every day without clear answer on this or lack of transfer-ability will fuel the cup that only lead to more anger filling slowly until 17 oct then overflowing soon after.

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Like atm ppl should care for steam etc, another way for blizz to devour money instead of fix the game.

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There were multiple bad leagues in POE and people still review poe asi positive :smiley:
so calm down

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They don’t care about steam reviews, steam will bring some amount of players into the game despite the negative or mixed reviews. They need more players or they will just sell games on steam as well. Either way, I don’t intend to spend any money on Blizzard games ever again.

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You can’t tell me this has not been planned for at least a year, the balls to charge for the game on your own launcher at record prices, and then a few months later announce it on a platform almost every other gamer on the planet has more than 80% of their other games on average, then ask to be paid again for another license :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

They really should have just used a launcher client on Steam that authenticates through Battlenet instead of a needing new accounts and zero progress transferred. All this to try in a futile attempt to eat into the POE and ARGP player-share in Steam.

With how exclusive they are on Blizzard and that they have to resort to Steam, it not only surprises me but also indicates one thing and that is that the game is a total failure. I’m afraid at BlizzCon, there may be someone commenting on that famous phrase “if this is a joke” to a phrase like “this is a scam” or “what are these guys from Blizzard playing?”

Where is “Diablo”? It has disappeared? It is very surprising to play a game called Diablo and this one is on vacation in Santuario.

Then they look in the PoE mirror and the reflection is just the opposite

What a shame on you guys. You did amazing job when your marketing did “a job” promoted at every possible channel and backend team was not able at the same time manage update for players, start the new seasson, place working game to Steam and allow the rest of guys to play.

I feel sorrow than celebrating to your jobs. I feel from you more corporate attitude than professionals in the team.

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haha, what a shame, microsoft

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Well, they do not pay min 70 bucks for poe, so…