Echo of Lilith. and extra letters because of BS reasons at Blizzard

The incompetent people that made this fight, should be fired. What a joke of a fight. I destroy her in seconds. But that doesn’t matter, because I haven’t gotten incresed movement speed everywhere I could, because apparently we are ment to play Sonic, and not Diablo. And those 4 puddles she places before phase 2, are impossible to 100% avoid. No matter where I stand, I will get hit. It’s just a matter of how much damage I will take. And they expect you to react in ½ a second. Lines appear on the ground, yet the effect happens just after. No chance what so ever to react to it.
And if you are actualy doing well, then this trash game decides you need to stop moving, so you die.
How many one-shot mechanics do you need in 1 fight!
No wonder not many people seems to be playing it. Fire the developer


incoherent mess of a post aside you are right they should be fired.


Probably you should go to sleep… :joy: :rofl: :sweat_smile:

You could find a y/tube guide about how to do it.

its not a matter how to play this fight, its a non linear fight its all about movement and standing in the right place and alot off ppl just refusing to do this cind off fight and that’s the mistake the developers made.

i don’t think they consider it something wortwhile tunning… its a stupid fight that gives headaches to completionists… very well :smiley: